Module 3: Research Methods in Population Studies
  Lecture 10: Introduction to Census, SRS, and Other National Sample Surveys


The reproductive and child health surveys (RCH), 1-2 were conducted to generate district level data on utilization of services provided by the government health facilities and people's perception on quality of these services. About 50 percent districts were covered in the first phase in 1998 and the remaining 50 percent were covered in the second phase in 1999. The surveys were conducted by various regional agencies and coordinated by the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai. Among other things, RCH surveys have produced data on the following indicators: girls marrying below age 18, births of order 3 and above, women of ages between 15-44 knowing all modern methods of family planning, married women using any modern method of family planning, married women having unmet need for family planning, women who receive antenatal care (ANC), women having institutional delivery, women having safe delivery, children receiving complete vaccination, women who reported knowledge of HIV/AIDS, women who had any symptoms of RTI/STI, men who reported knowledge of HIV/AIDS, men who had any symptoms of RTI/STI, and rural women who were visited by ANM during three months prior to survey.

RCH report produced data on the above variables for states and union territories and districts. It also produced bi-variate tables linking the above variables to urban-rural residence, caste (SC/ST and others), education (illiterate of ages, 0-9 years and 10 and above) and types of houses (kachcha, semi-pucca and pucca).