Inclusion of Line Charging Capacitors
So far we have assumed that the transmission lines are modeled with lumped series impedances without the shunt capacitances. However in practice, the Ybus matrix contains the shunt admittances for load flow analysis in which the transmission lines are represented by its π -equivalent. Note that whether the line is assumed to be of medium length or long length is irrelevant as we have seen in Chapter 2 how both of them can be represented in a p -equivalent.
Consider now the power system of Fig. 3.2. Let us assume that all the lines are represented in an equivalent- π with the shunt admittance between the line i and j being denoted by Ychij . Then the equivalent admittance at the two end of this line will be Ychij/2. For example the shunt capacitance at the two ends of the line joining buses 1 and 3 will be Ych13/2. We can then modify the admittance diagram Fig. 3.4 as shown in Fig. 3.6. The Ybus matrix of (3.10) is then modified as
(3.23) |

Fig. 3.6 Admittance diagram of the power system Fig. 3.2 with line charging capacitors.