Module 1 : Introduction to Electric Drives

Types of Load (Cont.)

  • In hoisting systems in which tail ropes or balancing ropes are not used, the load torque is not only due to the weight of the unloaded or the loaded cage but also due to that of the lifting ropes or cables, which depends on the position of the two cages.

  • When cage 1 is at the bottom most position and is to be lifted upwards, the entire weight of the rope is also to be moved up.

  • When both cages remains at the same height, the weight of the rope to be lifted becomes zero, as the weight of the ropes on both sides balances each other.

  • When cage 1 is at higher position than cage 2, a portion of the weight of the rope acts in such a way as to aid the upward motion of the cage 1 and when cage 1 occupies the topmost position, the whole weight of the rope aids in upward movement.


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Dr. K. R. Rajagopal