Module 3 : Art & Aesthetics in Design
  Lecture 8 : Dancing Shiva; Feng-Shui Symbolism and Non-verbal Modern Symbols; Effective Non-verbal Communication; Conclusion

; Dec. 11, 2012)

The ancient philosophy of Feng-Shui in China (plate 5A) is embedded with abstract symbolic meanings. It has a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for the people living around. Water and Wind are the two most important elements in nature without which no living being can survive. Feng means wind and Shui means water. Like many ancient cultures around the world, Chinese culture places especial attention to water and wind. Wind and water are associated with good healthand prosperity. Eastern cultures have traditionally believed in nature and its harmony with living beings. Like Indian traditional believe of ‘Five Elements in Nature’ (Earth, Water, air, Fire and Space),China believed and practiced to maintain balance between five basic elements of nature- Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each element is represented by a color that has its close association in nature. Believing traditional culture and appreciating the spirit of ancient ethos has continued to survive parallel among many modern cultures around the world. However, since late 19th century and early 20th century scholars and intellectuals started questioning the logical and rational meaning of such ancient believes. Consequently some of the established believes are being challenged.  

Effective Non-verbal Communication

Modern Symbolism is directly related to our application. The modern symbolism is related to non-verbal Communication (plate 5B) so that it may be accepted universally. Language will not be the hindrance to understand the meaning. The symbols such as- women, me, ‘stop’, stairs, fire-extinguisher, etc. are commonly used for effective communication. Such signs and symbols do not require any language to read. The pictorial representation denotes clear meanings. Therefore, the application of symbols and metaphors increases the level of appreciation, whether it has religious, social or direct application orientation. The essence of aesthetic appreciation emerges of understanding the visual language.