Module 3 : Art & Aesthetics in Design
  Lecture 7 : Plato’s Theory of Art; Three Qualities of Art and Design; Traditional Art and Aesthetics; Traditional Art

Traditional Art and Aesthetics

Every ancient traditional culture is enriched by its myths, symbolism and metaphors. The aesthetic beauty emerges out of such symbolism and metaphors. Hence, it is imperative to understand the meaning of symbolism in order to appreciate the beauty of the art and design. The term tradition means, ‘handing down of beliefs and customs by word of mouth or by example without written instruction or an inherited pattern of thought or action’ (Webster). Therefore, while it can create wonderful interwoven rich heritage of folklore and tales at the same it may create large number of irrational and confusing arguments. Traditional art emerges out of such interwoven fabric of believers and thoughts with the help of myths, symbols, metaphors, iconography, etc. In many instances, the original concept of a practice could have shaped due to certain practical reasons. However, in the course of long practices the origin of the practice or believe is being completely forgotten or misinterpreted. The quality of ornamentation has always attracted human being is a well-recognized phenomenon. Worship of gods or goddesses is to recognize various human characteristics and natural phenomenon and represented in the form of god (human form). 

Martin Robinson - Carvings of Hindu God Indra riding on Airavata three-headed elephant at Banteay Srei temple.
Plate 2A Indra on Elephant
(Terra-cotta, Angkor Vat)
2B Indra,
2C Indra, Nepal
2D Indra, Ellora

; Dec. 11, 2012)