Module 3 : Art & Aesthetics in Design
  Lecture 7 : Plato’s Theory of Art; Three Qualities of Art and Design; Traditional Art and Aesthetics; Traditional Art

Plato’s Theory of Art

Plato’s reference to ‘art as imitation’ raised many questions regarding the role of art and its nature of creativity. According to Plato, art imitates from nature. Artist paints trees, flower, rock, mountains, human beings, animals, etc. that exist in nature. According to Plato, artists merely copy them from nature that cannot be claimed creative work. Art is representative. It represents various forms that exist in nature. And representation is not real, it is illusion. For ages, philosophers and artists have been trying to examine the relationship between art, aesthetics and creativity.

Aesthetic has a wider meaning- philosophically and artistically. Indian Classical literature has studied rasa ('essence'), which denotes a necessary mental state and is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art.  The primary feeling that is evoked in a person, who views, reads or hears such a work. Expression of a suffering human being is certainly not beautiful; however, it does express the aesthetic beauty (qualitatively). However, both the conception and the execution are 'beautiful' in an aesthetic sense. In a stage play when an actor/actress expresses the agony (Karun rasa) of a suffering human being it expresses the aesthetic beauty. In the Indian performing arts, a rasa is an emotion inspired in an audience by a performer. Hence, aesthetics has multifaceted expression that revolves around creative works of various forms.

Three Qualities of Art and Design

Ultimately one can judge three basic qualities that are present to varying degrees in every true work of art and design- skill, originality, and aesthetic quality. Out of these three elements aesthetic quality may be the most difficult to judge. Aesthetics is a relative experience. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder '. Present day originality is the most sought-after in comparison to earlier, aesthetics. In order to appreciate aesthetics one has understand society, culture, tradition, believes, rituals and range of practices. Irrespective of modern or traditional art form, creativity develops its own vernacular. Vernacular that reflects the essence of the creative work in respect to its association. In the process skill and originality can be recognized much easily while aesthetic evaluation becomes quite critical.