Module 7 : Prehistoric and Ancient Tools
  Lecture 17 : Cave Art, Hand Tools

Better weapons were eventually developed such as barbed harpoons, darts, spear throwers, and bows and arrows with these more advanced weapons, humans were able to hunt large and powerful animals such as wild pigs, reindeer, horses, and bison. Many pre-historic cave art illustrates such activities around the world including in India (Bhimbatka, M.P near Bhopal).
(Read more:
; January 17, 2013)

Interestingly since the beginning of human race searching for problem solution has remained more or less same. Man has inherited the quality of inquisitiveness from its earlier forefathers. “Chimpanzees are well-known tool-users, capable of fashioning spear-like weapons from branches for hunting and using stones as hammers and anvils in the wild.”
(Source :
January 28, 2013)

Similar characteristics are found among the apes in various part of the world.  In each step man’s inquisitive has revealed solutions. However, each time the problem based on its location and environment has inspired to take challenges in a new path. The above questions have always helped man to lead towards solutions.