Module 7 : Prehistoric and Ancient Tools
  Lecture 17 : Cave Art, Hand Tools

Plate2B :,or.r_gc.r_pw.
; January 28, 2013 ; January 11, 2013)

Invention of tools is one of the major steps toward the future development of human civilization. Stone tools (plate 2A) are, in general made of stone only. In some cases they had attached other material like wooden rod for holding or grip. It is perhaps the beginning of understanding man’s own anthropocentric measurement for proper grip (plate 2B) that would exert the maximum force. The shape and length of hand and palm becomes the basic standard. Each handheld tool (plate 2C-crusher, hammer, scrapper, etc.) is created based on such parameters. Although stone tool-dependent societies and cultures still exist today, most stone tools are associated with prehistoric, particularly Stone Age cultures that have become extinct. Stone has been used to make a wide variety of different tools throughout history, including arrow heads, spear-points, etc. Stone tools may be made of either ground stone or chipped stone.
As early as the Stone Age period human beings examined and tested the characteristics of stone for different tools and household applications. The hardness of stones helped them to decide Chipped stone tools. The hardness of stone is tested by striking stone flakes from a core of material using a hammer-stone or similar hard hammer fabricator. In general terms, chipped stone tools are nearly present in every place in all pre-metal-using societies because they are easily manufactured, the tool stone is usually plentiful, and they are easy to transport and sharpen.