Module 6 : Readymade & DADA Movement
  Lecture 16 : ‘Readymade’; What is DADA Movement: Zurich, Origin of the word Dada, Conclusion


Readymade concept is based on common available products that are collected from the market and composing various parts joining, titling and signing it to claim as art. The genesis of the modern sculpture comes from the readymade concept.  Installation “As the process involved the least amount of interaction between artist and art, it represented the most extreme form of minimalism up to that time.” (Read more: ; January 8, 2012)

Plate 8A ‘Fountain’ 
(Marcel Duchamp1913-’17)
8B ‘Bottle Rack
8C ‘Bicycle’
(Duchamp with ‘Bicycle’)
8D‘In Advance of BrokenArm’

“I don’t believe in art, I believe in artist”- Marcel Duchamp.

Duchamp instigated a new concept ‘retinal Art’ that raised lot of argument and debate in the field of art. “Duchamp was not interested in what he called ‘retinal art’ — art that was only visual — and sought other methods of expression. As an antidote to "retinal art" he began creating readymade at a time (1915) when the term was commonly used in the United States to describe manufactured items to distinguish them from handmade goods.”
(Ref. ; January 8, 2012)