Module 6 : Readymade & DADA Movement
  Lecture 15 : Introduction, New Perception of Aesthetic Appreciation, Aesthetic Application

New Perception of Aesthetic Appreciation

The perception of aesthetics has over and again being challenged by the scholars and intellectuals based on new concepts and expressions. Printmaking was not considered as creative at per with painting and sculpture since the technique can produce number of prints of the same image. It was considered that each work has to be handmade and non-repetitive. Similarly photography did not get the status of art until very recently. In photography, machines are used for printing repetitive prints of the same photograph. Thus, photography did not qualify as conventional art form.

Along with the time the perception of aesthetic values and appreciation has changed drastically. Aesthetics does not mean conventional sense of ‘beauty’ always. Post 1911, period of
Synthetic Cubism initiated new thinking and change in perception. In 1916, a group of artists, poets, writers, musicians, and philosophers in Europe challenged the conventional aesthetic appreciation and creativity. They showed the aesthetic properties could exist in mass produced objects as well. Bicycle-wheel, bathroom wares, and various household products that were never considered work of art were exhibited with the signature of artists. Readymade object, machine produced consumer products were never considered at par with art that could possess aesthetic beauty like any other art.

The revolutionary movement of Dada in 1940s had challenged the traditional practice and believes in art. Until Pablo Picasso used real paper material, popularly known as Collage, on a canvas during the Synthetic Cubism no one could claim aesthetics value in mass produced objects like art. It gave birth to a new turn in the history of aesthetics realization. Paper, a mass produced object, was baptized with a new aesthetic philosophy. Hence, the term aesthetics is a subject of interest for philosophers, artists, and designers that has created enormous debates through ages.

Aesthetic Application

Aesthetic application can be divided in the following two categories- Applied Aesthetics & Technical Aesthetics.