Module 6 : Readymade & DADA Movement
  Lecture 15 : Introduction, New Perception of Aesthetic Appreciation, Aesthetic Application
Plate 1 A Collage, 1911
1B Synthetic Cubism
(Picasso, 1911)
Picasso, Still Life with Chair Canning, 1912
1C Picasso’s SyntheticCubism
; December 30, 2012)
Read more: ; December 30, 2012


Introduction of
Collage has major contribution in the future course of Modern Art. Application of non-conventional material in art and baptizing it as art inspired number of creative minds. Readymade and Dada Movements have come out of such radical thinking, which started challenging the established theory of art and aesthetics. In late 18th Nineteenth Century Van Gogh had visualized the possibility of such aesthetic appreciation when he wrote to his Bernard, “…this morning I found an old broken lantern in a dustbin, I brought it home…it looks like Anderson’s Fairytale…” Van Gogh is perhaps the first artist who could visualize the aesthetic beauty imbedded in a mass produced denatured object. 19th Century second decade witnessed revolutionary activities in every field of creativity including art, music, poetry, literature, etc. The new art expression opened a wide range of possibilities in Art and Design. The rise of The Bauhaus school in Germany took lead in cultivating a new form of technical art. Industrial Art thus, gained its recognition in the field of creativity.