Hardwired Locks
- Not popular today
- Less flexible
- Cannot support large number of locks
- Possible designs
- Dedicated lock line in bus so that the lock holder keeps it asserted and waiters snoop the lock line in hardware
- Set of lock registers shared among processors and lock holder gets a lock register (Cray Xmp )
Software Locks
Shared: choosing[P] = FALSE, ticket[P] = 0;
Acquire : choosing[ i ] = TRUE; ticket[ i ] = max(ticket[0],…,ticket[P-1]) + 1;
choosing[ i ] = FALSE;
for j = 0 to P-1
while (choosing[j]);
while (ticket[j] && ((ticket[j], j) < (ticket[ i ], i )));
Release : ticket[ i ] = 0;
- Does it work for multiprocessors?
- Too much overhead: need faster and simpler lock algorithms
- Need some hardware support