Moore’s Law:
- Number of transistors on-chip doubles every 18 months
- So much of innovation was possible only because we had transistors
- Phenomenal 58% performance growth every year
- Moore’s Law is facing a danger today
- Power consumption is too high when clocked at multi-GHz frequency and it is proportional to the number of switching transistors
- Wire delay doesn’t decrease with transistor size
Scaling Issues:
- Hardware for extracting ILP has reached the point of diminishing return
- Need a large number of in-flight instructions
- Supporting such a large population inside the chip requires power-hungry delay-sensitive logic and storage
- Verification complexity is getting out of control
- How to exploit so many transistors?
- Must be a de-centralized design which avoids long wires
- Put a few reasonably complex processors or many simple processors on the chip
- Each processor has its own primary cache and pipeline
- Often a processor is called a core
- Often called a chip-multiprocessor (CMP)
- Did we use the transistors properly?
- Depends on if you can keep the cores busy
- Introduces the concept of thread-level parallelism (TLP)