Exercise 40 |
Ex.40-1 Find the length of the vertical curve connecting two uniform grades – 0.5% and +1% if the rate of change of grade is 0.5% per 30 m. Ex.40-2 The horizontal deck of a bridge meets a –2.88% grade at R.L. 192.435 m. The rate of change of grade is 0.16% per 20 m. A vertical curve is to be laid at 30 m per interval. Calculate the elevations of the points on the curve for setting out points. Ex.40-3 A 200 meter equal tangent parabolic vertical curve is to be placed between grades of G1 = 1.25 % and G2 = -2.75 % intersecting at station 18+00, which has an elevation of 270.190 m above mean sea level. Calculate the elevations at even 20-m stations on the vertical curve and determine the station and elevation of the high point on the vertical curve. |