Observations and Calculations
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Least count of deformation dial gauge (mm/div.) =
Proving ring constant (kg/div.) =

Soil Specimen No. =                       
Confining cell pressure, (kg/cm2) =
Initial diameter of specimen, D0 (mm) =                 
Initial length of specimen, L0     (mm) =                    
Initial area of specimen, A0     (cm2) =                 
Initial volume of specimen, V0 (cm3) =

Deformation dial reading


Burette reading

Pore pressure change
(Du) (kg/cm2)
Proving ring dial reading
Corrected area for undrained test

Corrected area for drained test

Deviatoric stress
(10) = (7)/A

1. Convert the dial readings to the appropriate vertical deformation and compressive load units by multiplying with respective least counts.
2. Calculate vertical strain, and compute corrected area as for undrained tests, and as for drained tests. Determine the deviatoric stress.

3. Plot stress-strain curve, and obtain the peak stress or the stress at 20% strain.

4. Draw Mohr circles using effective principal stresses at failure for all tested specimens. From the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, determine the cohesion and the angle of shearing resistance of the soil.

5. Compute the water content, w (%).

Water content (%) =
Cohesion (kg/cm2) =
Angle of shearing resistance (°) =

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