Observations and Calculations
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Least count of deformation dial gauge (mm/div.) =
Proving ring constant (kg/div.) =

Soil Specimen No. =                                                                      
Type of specimen: Undisturbed/Remoulded
Initial length of specimen, L0       (mm) =
Initial diameter of specimen, D0  (mm) =
Initial area of specimen, A0         (cm2) =

Elapsed time

Vertical deformation

Vertical strain

Corrected area


Compressive load

Compressive stress

(8) = (7)/(6)

1. Convert the dial readings to the appropriate vertical deformation and compressive load units by multiplying with respective least counts.

2. Calculate vertical strain, corrected cross-sectional area and then compressive stress.

3. Plot stress-strain curve, and show unconfined compressive strength qu as the peak stress or the stress at 20% strain.

4. Draw a Mohr circle using qu, and determine undrained shear strength su = undrained cohesion cu = qu/2

5. Compute the water content, w (%).

Water content   (%) =
Unconfined compressive strength (kg/cm2) =
Undrained shear strength             (kg/cm2) =

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