Module1 : Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering

Lecture 1 : Scope of Geoenvironmental Engineering

A) Scope of geoenvironmental engineering

            Any project that deals with the interrelationship among environment, ground surface and subsurface (soil, rock and groundwater) falls under the purview of geoenvironmental engineering (Fang and Daniels 2006). The scope is vast and requires the knowledge of different branches of engineering and science put together to solve the multi-disciplinary problems. A geoenvironmental engineer should work in an open domain of knowledge and should be willing to use any concepts of engineering and science to effectively solve the problem at hand. The most challenging aspect is to identify the unconventional nature of the problem, which may have its bearing on multiple factors. For example: an underground pipe leakage may not be due to the faulty construction of the pipe but caused due to the highly corrosive soil surrounding it. The reason for high corrosiveness may be attributed to single or multiple manmade factors, which need to be clearly identified for the holistic solution of the problem. The conventional approach of assessing the material strength of the pipe alone will not solve the problem at hand.
            A lot of emphasis has been laid for achieving a “green environment”. Despite a lot of effort, it is very difficult to cut off the harmful effects of pollutants disposed off into the geoenvironment. The damage has already been done to the subsurface and ground water resources, which is precious. An effective waste containment system is one of the solutions to this problem. However, such a project has different socio-economic and technical perspectives. The realization of such projects require the contribution of environmentalist, remote sensing experts, decision makers, common public during its planning stage, hydrologists, geotechnical engineers for its execution stage and several experts for management and monitoring of the project. The totality of the problem can be visualized under the umbrella of geoenvironmental engineering. Therefore, the real challenge for a geoenvironmental engineer is how well he can integrate the multi-disciplinary knowledge for achieving an efficient waste containment. 
             As mentioned earlier, in most parts of the world, damage has already been done to the geoenvironment and groundwater reserves due to indiscriminate disposal of industrial and other hazardous wastes. Owing to the excessive demand, it becomes important to remediate and revive the already polluted geoenvironment and groundwater. A geoenvironmental engineer has a great role to play for deciding the scheme of such remediation practice. A lot of concepts from soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, multi-phase flow, material science and mathematical modelling, need to be taken for planning and execution of an efficient remediation strategy. Therefore, it is essential for the geoenvironmental engineer to think out of the box, to an extent that the knowledge can help him visualize the problem better and suggest efficient solution. Else, the solution to such problems becomes a trial and error process or rather, learn from mistakes and rectify. Since such projects are cost intensive one cannot afford to take too much of chances.
             Another important issue is the reuse and recycling of waste materials, which reduces the burden on our environment manifold. A very good example is exploring the possibility of mass utilization of fly ash for geotechnical applications. However, while using waste materials for meaningful applications there are issues such as short term and long term impact, which is a governing factor for deciding its selection as a viable material. Although, short term behavior can be assessed using planned laboratory evaluations it often becomes difficult and complex for understanding the long term behavior. The scope of geoenvironmental engineering is to simplify the process of understanding the behavior and resort to reliable predictions and estimations. This would require a thorough knowledge on material science and chemistry and the reaction it undergoes with time. This is indeed a tough task, but needless to say, such challenges make this subject quite interesting.
            The frequent occurrence of landslides especially during rainy season has drawn the attention of researchers and practicing engineers. The conventional slope stability analysis is partially helpful in understanding the problem. A wider perspective of the problem would be to include factors such as infiltration and seepage of rain water through the slope. Such factors are going to add on to the instability of slope. The scope and challenge for the geoenvironmental engineer is to couple the geotechnical, geological and hydrologic concepts to explain rainfall induced slope failure. Construction of flood protection works such as embankments and levees also comes under the purview of geoenvironmental engineering. Unless a thorough hydraulic study is conducted, any geotechnical measures for flood protection would prove to be futile. This is specifically true for large rivers and for meandering sections.
            Geoenvironmental engineering is more research oriented and new concepts and methodologies are still being developed. Therefore, this particular course intends to introduce different avenues and overall scope of geoenvironmental engineering to the reader. The course would highlight the uncertainties and complexities involved and the wide research potential of the subject. Special emphasis has been laid on the basics of soil-water interaction, soil-water-contaminant interaction, which are essential for understanding the impact of geoenvironmental contamination, its minimization and remediation.