- Primary air pollutants - Materials that when released
pose health risks in their unmodified forms or those emitted
directly from identifiable sources.
- Secondary air pollutants - Primary pollutants
interact with one another, sunlight, or natural gases to
produce new, harmful compounds
Primary Air Pollutants
Carbon Monoxide
Sulphur Dioxide
- Produced by burning sulfur containing fossil fuels (coal,
- Coal-burning power plants major source
- Reacts in atmosphere to produce acids
- One of the major components of acid rain
- When inhaled, can be very corrosive to lung tissue
- London
-1306 banned burning of sea coal
-1952 “killer fog”: 4,000 people died in 4 weeks
- tied to sulfur compounds in smog
Nitrogen Oxides
- Produced from burning of fossil fuels
- Contributes to acid rain, smog
- Automobile engine main source
- New engine technology has helped reduce, but many more
- Hydrocarbons - organic compounds with hydrogen, carbon
- From incomplete burning or evaporated from fuel supplies
- Major source is automobiles, but some from industry
Contribute to smog
- Improvements in engine design have helped reduce
- Particulates - small pieces of solid materials and liquid
droplets (2.5 mm and 10 mm)
- Examples: ash from fires, asbestos from brakes and insulation,
- Easily noticed: e.g. smokestacks
- Can accumulate in lungs and interfere with the ability
of lungs to exchange gases.
- Some particulates are known carcinogens
- Those working in dusty conditions at highest risk (e.g.,
- Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) -PM1 having
size <= 1µm: effects in alveoli
-PM2.5 having size <= 2.5µm: effects trachea
-PM10 having size <= 10µm: effects in nasal part
Secondary Pollutants
- Ozone
- PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate)
- Photochemical smog
- Aerosols and mists (H2SO4)
- Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three
oxygen atoms.
- It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs
in the Earth's upper atmosphere (the stratosphere) and lower
atmosphere (the troposphere).
- Tropospheric ozone – what we breathe -- is formed
primarily from photochemical reactions between two major
classes of air pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC)
and nitrogen oxides (NOX).
Smog is caused by the interaction of some
hydrocarbons and oxidants under the influence of sunlight giving
rise to dangerous peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN).
Photochemical smog
Photochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants
which includes particulates, nitrogen oxides, ozone, aldehydes,
peroxyethanoyl nitrate (PAN), unreacted hydrocarbons, etc. The
smog often has a brown haze due
to the presence of nitrogen dioxide. It causes painful eyes.
Aerosols and mists (H2SO4)
Aerosols and mists are very fine liquid droplets
that cannot be effectively removed using traditional packed
scrubbers. These droplets can be formed from gas phase
hydrolysis of halogenated acids (HCl, HF, HBr), metal halides,
organohalides, sulfur trioxide (SO3), and phosphorous pentoxide