Period of poor air qulaity, upto several days, often
extending over large geograpical area.
Winter: cold, stable weather conditions trap pollutants close
to sources and prevent dispersion. Elavated concentrations of range
of pollutants build up over several days
Summer: hot and sunny weather. Pollutants emitted within the U.K.
or Europe transported long distances, reacting with each other in
sunlight to produce high levels of ozone, & other photochemical
pollutants. |
Meuse Valley-Belgium, 1930
- 63 died (mostly elderly)
- Sore throats, shortness of breath, cough, phlegm, nausea, vomiting
- SO2, sulfur dioxide
- H2O
- SO4 sulfuric acid mist
- Cattle, birds and rats died
- Got little news coverage
Fumigation of a valley floor caused by an inversion layer that restricts
diffusion from a stack
Donora, PennsylvaniaOct. 1948
- Monongahela River Valley
- Industrial townsteel mill, sulfuric acid plant, freight
yard, etc.
- Population14,000
- Steep hills surrounding the valley
- Oct 26temperature inversion (warm air trapping cold air
near the ground)
- Stable air, fog, lasted 4.5 days
Environs of Donora, Pennsylvania. Horseshoe curve of Monongahela River is
surrounded by mountains. Railroad tracks are located on both sides of the
river. Low-lying stretch of Monongahela valley between railroad and river
is natural trap for pollutants.
Poza Rico, Mexico 1950
- Single source high sulfur crude oil
- Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
- Flare went out
- Inversion in valley
- 22 sudden deaths, 320 hospitalized All ages
- Forerunner of Bhopal
December 1952 Great London Smog
- Cold front, Londoners burned soft coal
- Factories, power plants
- Temperature inversion
- 5 days of worst smog city had ever seen Public transportation
- Indoor concerts had to be cancelled because no one could see
the stage, etc.
Weekly death registered from diseases of the lungs and heart in the London
Administrative County around the time of the severe fog in December, 1952.
Total death in Greater London and air pollutants levels measured during
the fog of December 1952
Seveso, Italy --Dioxin
- July 10, 1976, north of Milan
- A valve broke at the Industrie Chimiche Meda Societa Azionaria chemical
- Cloud of 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) traveled southwest
through Seveso toward Milan
- Contaminant of herbicide
Bhopal, India Dec. 3, 1984
- Union Carbide pesticide plant leak kills up to 2,000 with up
to 350,000 injured and 100,000 with permanent disabilities
- Methyl isocyanate (MIC)used as an intermediary in manufacture
of Sevin (Carbaryl)
- CO + Cl = phosgene
- Phosgene + methylamine = MIC
- MICirritant to the lungs---edema, fluid (cause of death,
bronchospasms, corneal opacity
- Hydrogen cyanide?
- Sabotage or industrial accident?
World-wide Air Pollution Episode
- November 27-December 10, 1962
- Thousands of excess deaths in many cities including NYC, London, Boston,
- New Orleans Oct-Nov 1958 asthma deaths.
Hundreds Troubled by 'World Trade Center Cough NYC fire fighters,
school workers have 9/11 breathing problems, new studies say |