Module 4 : Nonlinear elasticity
  Lecture 22 : Neo-Hookean Elasticity


The stored energy function

Consider a cubic element having unit edges is strained in such a way that in deformed state it is a cuboid having edges parallel to the axes of strain ellipsoid with lengths  and respectively. Then due to incompressibility,


Then the work done in straining the material quasi-statically is  which can be worked out by considering the stresses which act on the deformed element .


The element is subjected to three mutually perpendicular forces ,  and which are given by ,  and ,. Here ,  and  are the areas on which the stresses ,  and  act. Using the expression for , ,  and the incompressibility relation we have,

,  and (22.16)

Work done in straining an element of volume  to  is


Hence the work done in straining the material quasi-statically from dimension  to  is


For an ideal rubber like material the elastic modulus  is given as  where  is the number of segments per unit volume, is the Boltzmann’s constant and is the absolute temperature.