Module 1 : Introduction

Lecture 1: Introduction to catalysis

Introduction to catalysis

The science and technology of catalysis is of great significance as it affects our daily life. Four major sectors of the world economy; petroleum and energy production, chemicals and polymer production, food industry and pollution control, involve catalytic processes.


Organization Chart


Fig. 1. Four major sectors of world economy that involves catalytic processes

Catalysts are used to produce f uels such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, fuel oil etc. Production of plastics, synthetic rubbers, fabrics, cosmetics etc. involve catalytic processes. The production of clean energy from renewable energy sources, such as hydrogen for fuel cells and transportation fuels from non-edible biomass are also catalyst depend ent processes. Automobile emission catalysts are used to reduce emissions of CO, NOx and hydrocarbon s from mobile vehicles. Catalysts are also used in the production of the polymers including adhesives, coatings, foams, textile and industrial fibers. The pharmaceutical industry uses catalysts for production of drugs that are used to save lives and improve the health of people. Catalysts are also widely used in food processing. More than 90 % of industrial processes actually use catalysts in one form or the other. Owing to expanding need of mankind, production in all sectors is increasing at a fast rate and catalysis science and technology has a major contribution in this. Thrusts are being given in the areas of catalyst upgrading to new and more efficient catalysts. Increasing catalyst life is another area of importance to maximize catalyst efficiency.