Module 5: Laminate Theory
  Lecture 17: Laminate Constitutive Relations

Specially Orthotropic Laminates

The laminates for which the terms  are zero are called specially orthotropic laminates. It is clear that such laminates do not show coupling between in-plane extensional and shear responses.

Note that the cross-ply, angle-ply and anti-symmetric laminates are specially orthotropic laminates. These laminates by their design have . For cross-ply laminates, the terms  and  are identically zero. Hence, there is no restriction on the lamina thickness for cross-ply laminate to be a specially orthotropic laminate. However, for an angle ply and anti-symmetric laminates the thicknesses of a pair of  and  laminate should be same.

Other specially orthotropic laminates includes the combination of cross-ply and angle ply laminates .

For example,

Quasi-Isotropic Laminates:

A laminate is called quasi-isotropic when its extensional stiffness matrix behaves like an isotropic material. This requires that ,  and . Further, this extensional stiffness matrix is independent of orientation of layers in laminate. This requires a laminate with  equal thickness layers and N equal angles between adjacent fibre orientations. The N equal angles,  between the fibre orientations in this case can be given as


The quasi-isotropic laminate with this construction for N=3, 4 and 6 will have fibre orientations as shown in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8: Fibre orientations in a typical quasi-isotropic laminates

It should be noted that the isotropy in these laminates is in-plane only. The matrices B and D may not behave like an isotropic material. Hence, such laminates are quasi-isotropic in nature.

Some examples of quasi-isotropic laminate are: , .