Module 4: Plane Stress Constitutive Equations
  Lecture 15: Lamina Engineering Constants

Axial Modulus

Consider a unidirectional off axis lamina. This lamina is subjected to the loading  and  as shown in Figure 4.2.
Thus, from Equation (4.5) for this state of stress we can write the axial strain as


The Young’s modulus in x-direction is now defined as


Thus, from Equation (4.61), we can write


Figure 4.2: Off axis lamina loaded in traction along x direction

In the above equation,  is written using compliance terms in principal material directions as


Further, it can be writing compliance terms in principal directions using engineering constants doing some rearrangements as


From this expression it is easy to see that the modulus  when   and  when . The variation of the modulus  with fibre orientation for AS4/3501-6 Epoxy material is shown in Figure 4.3. The variation of the modulus  for both positive and negative fibre orientations is identical in nature.

Figure 4.3: Variation of axial modulus with fibre orientation for AS4/3501-6 Epoxy

Axial Poisson’s Ratio:

The axial Poisson’s ratio  can also be obtained for above loading condition. This Poisson’s ratio is defined as


Using Equation (4.61) we can write


Further, expressing the compliance terms in above equation in terms of engineering constants we can write
