Hello and welcome to this course.
This is Introduction to Photonics.
I will start the lecture today by just giving
you a little bit of background as to how to
this course was conceptualized in the first
You go through a certain level of optics in,
as part of your high school education, where
you learn about the basic laws of reflection,
refraction and based on that you, you cover
a few topics.
And then when you come to college, you are
typically experiencing more advance courses
such as optical communications, photonic integrated
circuits, optical sensors and bio-photonics
and so on.
And what we thought is that we actually need
a bridge between the two because certain level
of fundamentals that are taught in the high
school level is not enough to clearly appreciate
the kind of concepts that you are encountering
at the advance level courses.
So, we decided to float this course as sort
of a bridge between the two and, and of course
this course has been now offered for several
years to several sets of students where we
have clearly had an opportunity to look at
the finer aspects of the course and, you know,
try to patch them up.
Now before we move on, let me ask you this
Why are you in this course?
Why, you know photonics?
What are the typical things that you use light
At that point if some of the students present
here can participate, I would appreciate it.
What do we use light for?
Sure, that is a very, very good example.
Optical communications is clearly one reason
why, in certain ways we can say it is one
reason why we have all these wireless communication
at this level because what you do when you
have your mobile phone?
You take a mobile phone and do a phone call
is you are trying to use electromagnetic waves
in the RF region to communicate to an antenna,
nearby antenna, right.
And chances are, from that antenna on to the
exchange or from that exchange to other exchanges
at different parts of the country or different
parts of the world, the chances are that it
is going to be carried through optical communication.
So, in certain ways, optical communications
has revolutionized this whole, you know, field
of communication.
So that is a very good example as to why,
why do we need to study about light.
What else?
So simple example is you know how you are
able to see me?
The whole process of human vision is, is based
on light, right?
So, you have a light source here, you have
all these lights, LED lamps and fluorescent
lamps that are illuminating.
Light is falling on me, getting scattered
and, you know, you are actually able to see
this image in your eye.
So, your eye is your detector in this case,
So, the whole process of human vision is based
on the fact that we are able to use light
and we are able to detect light.
And of course, an extension of that you can
say is all the imaging that is happening including,
you know what you do with your mobile phones
is based on that sort of a principle, this
vision principle which uses light.
So what else?
Biomedical imaging clearly, you know lot of
things you are able to see, you know parts
of the human body like internal parts of human
body through optical probes, through endoscopy
you are able to do imaging of what is happening
inside a body through the endoscopes.
And of course, even in terms of what is happening
in our eye, what is happening, you know at
the surface of our body we are able to image
using biomedical imaging.
So, we use, we use light for that.
What else?
Let us get a little more modern.
Let us get more up-to-date.
Where else do we use light these days?
You have heard of Augmented Reality?
So, what is Augmented Reality?
It is basically, you have a display that comes
in, that mixes 2 different scenarios and it
is able to give you extra information than
what you normally have with your regular vision,
So that whole thing about Augmented Reality
which is actually one of the disruptive technologies
that is going around.
There are lot of Fortune 500 companies, technology
companies, the Microsofts, the Apples, the
Googles they are all out there, you know trying
to come up with Augmented Reality solutions
and certainly there is a lot of development
happening in that domain.
And then of course you can extend that to
things like autonomous driving.
So, you have a driverless car.
And, and you know, a simpler version of that
could be a robot, right.
So, robotics, the whole thing about robotics,
it is able to see the situa/situation, you
know things around it and able to take actions.
So, all of those require light-based technologies
so, so light certainly plays fairly big role
in our everyday lives and it continues to
change the way we see things around us and
we get things done around us.
So, it is so much so that by 2050 there is
some prediction that most of the Fortune 500
companies around the world will be having
something or the other to do with photonics,
So that is why are here.
We are here to understand the properties of
light, how to generate light, how to detect
light and how to manipulate light, how to
make light work for us, right?
So that is what this course is about.
So let me go down here and start making a
few notes.
So clearly, we are at course which is Introduction
to Photonics, right and we just started discussing
why photonics and we started
discussing some examples of what is the use
of light and we said the whole process of
human vision
is based on light, right?
And then you extend to imaging concepts,
using cameras, using endoscopes you are able
to see things around us and then somebody
gave this example of optical communications
we use light to carry information which has
completely revolutionized this whole field
of communications.
And then, we can list out things like material
So, you take once again your mobile
phone as an example.
You have different parts of the mobile phone,
you know manufactured with such high precision
and some of these may involve actually laser-based
marking; laser-based cutting and so on.
So that is lot of material processing applications
for which light is used.
And going forward, things like Augmented Reality
there is something called Gesture Recognition.
So, Gesture Recognition is the
next big thing as far as man-machine interface
is concerned.
We are always trying to work on concepts which
can break down this interface between the
man-machine and this is the next level wherein
you just based on some gestures you are able
to communicate with the machine and you are
able to, you know, you are able to make the
computer understand that you are giving certain
commands, certain instructions for the computer
to do things for us.
So, so we can keep going on in that and some
of the more recent, you know developments
towards going to the next generation of computers
based on quantum computing and so on.
So, all of these
are essentially, you know, based on things
where we manipulate light, Ok.
So, from that perspective you can go back
and say, when we what mean by photonics is,
photonics is the science of light.
Through understanding this science of light,
we can, we can do certain things like what
are the properties of light, right,
we can try to understand what are the properties
of light, we can try to understand the generation
and detection of light
and then probably more importantly, you can
look at the manipulation of light.
So, what do we mean by manipulation of light?
Light has certain properties.
So, if you want to describe light, what are
the terms that you use to describe light?
Very good, so let us list this out.
Wavelength is one characteristic
or in other words, in colloquial terms the
color of light, right?
So, I am using different colors here obviously
to, you know denote different things and that
essentially means that these different colors
represent different wavelengths of light.
What else?
So, you have amplitude of light and of course
through that you can look at the intensity
of light.
What else?
Phase, certainly is another property.
And another property probably which is not
So, we have an opportunity to change certain
properties of the light and through that realize
certain functionalities, right?
So that is what we are going to be, that is
one of the things we are going to be looking
at as far as this course is concerned.
So, at this point, maybe I should step back
and show you the outline of the course, what
exactly we are going to be seeing as far as
this course is concerned.
you have one module.
There was a first module which corresponds
to understanding the properties of light and
when we talk about understanding the properties
of light, the first thing that we look at
is this important, very important principle
called wave-particle duality.
You know, you in colloquial terms, you would
see that certain people refer to the science
of light as optics, and certain other section
of people look at it as photonics.
Are they different?
Not really.
Possibly when somebody is talking about optics
what they are looking at is things that are,
properties that are based on the wave nature
of light.
And when somebody is talking about photonics,
they are talking about physical processes
which involve the particle nature of light,
So, we are going to go into some of those
details and try to appreciate where we can
use the wave nature of light and where we
need to use the particle nature of light and
all that.
So, we will look at some of those to start
And then we will go into this important discussion,
which is probably a fulcrum as far as this
course is concerned.
Because when we look at the properties of
light you start understanding that light is
in, in general, random in nature, right.
In terms of, you know the emission of photons,
in terms of detection of photons you start
understanding that there is a certain statistics
associated with, with those processes.
And in fact, it is only to explain those statistics,
which we try to do in terms of coherence property
of light, you start appreciating that.
May be it does not help just to treat light
as waves.
May be you need to look at the particle nature
of light as well.
So, this really, this topic is really the
motivation to look closely at the particle
nature of light and so, you know beyond that
we are looking at the properties of a photon,
the properties, the statistics of the photon
and so on.
And then beyond that we are at a position
to understand interaction of these photons
with atomic systems, with matter, Ok.
So, we will start looking into how this absorption
and emission processes happen and through
that process you come up with this realization
that there is something called stimulated
light emission, Ok
And if you look at, you know stimulated light
emission you start understand that may be
things like light amplification is possible,
right and then once we have realized that
we are at a point where we can start making
light sources.
So, we will jump into understanding the fundamentals
of lasers which is by itself, is a complete
But what we are trying to do is to just look
at some of the basic concepts as far as lasers
are concerned.
And then the most commonly used light sources
are the semiconductor light emitting diodes
and some of these light panels are based on
semiconductor light emitting diodes, and semiconductor
lasers like laser pointer, if I am using a
laser pointer, I am using a semiconductor
laser typically, Ok.
And then we go on to understand light detection
and that once again, once we have understood
the basics of semiconductor p-n junctions
we can also figure out how light detection
can be possible using your semiconductor light
There are photo diodes, what goes into your
mobile camera for example, you know all those
And beyond that we will go on to looking at
the manipulation of light, so that is our
last module, right.
So, we will
look at how light can interact with RF waves,
that is electromagnetic waves, radio frequency
electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves.
Can you believe that?
You can manipulate light using acoustic waves,
you know.
How are we able to do that?
Those are some of the principles we are going
to look at in week 10.
And, and beyond that we can also look at how
to manipulate photons through non-linear properties
of material, non-linear response of material.
So, the most part in the course we are looking
at interaction of light with material as if
it is a linear response that we are getting
from the material but towards the last portion
we will look at what if the material responds
non-linearly to the light that is incident
on it.
So, what can we do with, with that sort of
a property, right?
So, this is essentially, I have charted it
out as for 11 weeks.
It may actually spill over to 12 weeks.
But one important aspect of this particular
course, the way it starts for you students
here is that it is going to be a theory-cum-practical
So, each week we will actually be doing a
laboratory session which is enhancing your
understanding on that particular concept that
is taught that week.
It is to the point that your laboratory sessions
are essentially driving what we are discussing
in the theoretical aspects of this course,
And for those of you that are doing this course
online, what we will be able to do on a weekly
basis is provide a demonstration of those
concepts so that you can follow what is going
on, essentially what the students do, the
students here do in the laboratory you will
be able to do that, you will be able to watch
that at least as a in-class demonstration,
So, so and so clearly the lab sessions that
are defined over here are, you know, are enhancing
those, those practical aspects that we are
going to study as far as this course is concerned.
As far as the textbook for this course is
concerned, I am going to be closely following
this excellent textbook which is written by
Saleh and Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics.
It is just that, you know Saleh and Teich
puts this material in such a way that you
can start from appreciating some of the wave
properties of light and then go on to appreciating
the photon, you know properties of light.
So, it is nicely structured which is in tune
with what I want to teach as far as this course
is concerned.
So, we are going to adopt that as the textbook
and of course there are certain other reference
books that are provided which can be helpful
in understanding these concepts at a deeper
level, Ok.
So, we looked at why photonics, why we are,
why we are offering this course and then closer
to why it makes sense to follow this course.
So, and then we also said essentially what
we are doing in this course is dealing with
photonics where we are looking at the properties
of photons, light in general
then this generation and detection of photons
and manipulation of photons, Ok.
those are the three primary modules that we
are going to be studying as far as the course
is concerned.
And let us first start with understanding
the properties of light.
And to do that, we will have to step back
and take an historical perspective of the
science of light, how it came about and it
all starts with a simple concept called ray
And ray optics is primarily based on this
observation by a scientist by name Fermat
in the early 1600s,
Fermat essentially hypothesized at that time
that light travels in path of least time,
So, what does that mean?
Light travels in the path of least time.
In a homogenous medium it actually corresponds
to saying to light travels in straight lines.
If I use the light source over here, I can
essentially model this light source as rays
of light that are, you know coming and hitting
me and from me, bouncing off to you, Ok.
So, once you are able to say that light travels
in straight paths, you can use rays to represent
the propagation of light.
And that is the simplest way of explaining,
you know how light travels through different
media, Ok.
So ray optics is a fairly powerful concept
as far as understanding properties of light
is concerned and that is going to be a starting
point of most of the discussions that we do
in the early part of the course, Ok.
And then there is this other scientist.
So, Fermat said light travels in straight
which we are calling as rays.
And then this other person by name Huygens
in the mid 1600s, he came up with the hypothesis
that light travels as waves just like,
you know sound waves.
Huygens hypothesized that light also has,
demonstrates wave-like property, Ok.
So that happens to be superseding what we
are seeing in ray optics, so you get into
what is called wave optics and what is the
important aspect of waves?
What are we introducing when we talk about
So, we start introducing things like wavelength
and this whole concept of phase
that, that light carries you know.
So that is actually, it is, it is easily explained
when you have a wave.
So, when you are looking at them as rays,
the rays do not represent any particular color
nor does it represent any accumulation of
its phase as it propagates, Ok.
It just tells about the direction of light.
But now when we discuss this in terms of waves
you start saying Ok, there are, there are
these other characteristics that come into
And then came this, you know, this, this declaration
from Maxwell around the mid 1850s, mid 1800s
where he declared that light travels as EM
waves, electromagnetic
waves, Ok.
And that actually brought about another study
based on modeling light waves as electromagnetic
And what could possibly come out of something
like this?
What do you think you can explain you know
when you are talking about light as electromagnetic
The last property we were talking about, light
polarization comes about this.
So, all the discussion on polarization is
something that is well explained when you
consider light as electromagnetic waves.
And it is not until Max Planck around 1885,
he hypothesized that light emission as well
as absorption is quantized, Ok.
So, you can say in certain ways that the modern
optics evolved from, you know this, this hypothesis
by Max Planck which essentially gives a much
bigger picture and that is this topic of Quantum
Optics, right.
Or some people like to call it as photonics
where you start looking at light emission
and absorption as quantized and then of course
the final piece in the puzzle, I think is
around 1915 that Einstein declared that light
itself comprises of quanta of energy, which
was later coined as photons,
So, all this thing about quantum nature or
the particle nature of light, you know, there
is lot more discussion and lot more research
that was happening beyond, beyond that particular
So, this is sort of a brief history of how
this field has developed and we are going
to try to spend some time trying to understand
what if you treat light as ray.
What can you, what are the kind of problems
that you can solve by just treating light
in terms of rays of light, Ok, propagation
of light in terms of rays of light?
And you would be surprised to find that pretty
much, you know more than half, I would say
it is a very large proportion of optical systems
can be modeled with just simple concept of
ray optics, Ok, and we are going to try to
take some examples of that.
So, one, and then we will go on to the subsequent
lectures, we will say, Ok, what are we missing
in ray optics and what can we capture in wave
optics and then we go on to what are we missing
in wave optics that we capture in electromagnetic
optics and so on, right.
So that is, that is how we are going to progress
going forward, Ok.
So, let us just take an example of endoscopy,
So that is something we were throwing out
a little earlier.
What is endoscopy?
It is about putting an optical probe through
your body to see inside parts of your body,
things we cannot see from just outside.
And that essentially is clearly facilitated
by an optical probe.
So, let us go ahead and design an endoscope,
Shall we?
So what do we need to, you know design this
optical probe?
What are the principles that we need to understand?
And so, happens that there are two basic principles,
one is called law of reflection
and another is called law of refraction,
So, what are we dealing with in terms of law
of reflection?
You basically say, Ok you have reflecting
surface over here
and then if you have a wave that is incident
on this, or a light ray that is incident on
this surface at an angle let us say,
theta i it is going to get reflected
at an angle theta r, right.
Now it can be proved that, you know you can
say this is, if this is the path of least
if you start from Fermat's principles, it
is just a couple of steps that you can use,
one of the key clues in that is that what
if the light had gone straight down, right?
You, you look at that and then you fold it
back and then you can prove that theta r equals
theta i.
That is the angle of reflection
is equal to the angle of incidence, ok.
This is once again something that you would
have studied in high school physics.
You are all very familiar with it, right.
The other thing you may be very familiar with
is this law of refraction where we say, ok
you have an interface between two material,
And in optics, what do we use to characterize
different material?
Yes; refractive index right.
So, let us say this is
n 1
and this is n 2 and this is the normal
over here and then if I have a light ray
coming in with an angle theta 1 in this case
part of the light may be reflected but the
other part of the light is going into this
second medium with
angle theta 2 and then we have this famous
known as Snell's law which says n 1 sin theta
1 equal to n 2
sin theta 2, right?
So, this is also something that you are very
familiar with and of course,
it is not too difficult to prove this, you
know just from geometric perspective but it
is more easily probably proven from the electromagnetic
perspective considering the boundary condition
between the two media and all that, right.
So, but let us just take this for granted
and move on.
Now if you say you have this Snell's law and
if you consider a specific condition where
n 1 is greater than n 2,
Ok this is already going to imply that if
you have to plug it in Snell's law, it says
that theta 2 is greater than
theta 1, right.
If n 1 is greater than n 2, then if you plug
that into Snell's law it comes up with this
simple implication that theta 2 has to be
greater than theta 1.
And it is only, you know as a matter of some
other value of theta 1 equal to theta c where
theta 2 becomes pi by 2,
So, as you keep increasing theta 1 it gets
to a certain angle where, you know which you
can label as theta c at which theta 2 equal
to pi by 2.
Now if you write the Snell's law at that particular
point it basically says n 1 sin theta c equal
to n 2 sin of pi by 2
which is equal to 1 so this you say is n 2.
in other words, if you say, if you define
this angle theta c, this is sin inverse of
n 2 over n 1,
So that is fairly simple proof of what that
critical angle
And what happens beyond that critical angle?
If theta 1 is greater than theta c, total
internal reflection, right and total internal
says that in the same case that we were drawing
over here, if you have your interface here,
if n 1 is greater than n 2 and theta 1 greater
than theta c
then all the light that is incident on this
is going to get reflected, right?
So, you have total internal reflection and
if you project this forward and say what if
we have one more interface over here which
is bounded by
n 2, Ok.
Then if this is theta 1 and these two interfaces
are parallel, then this angle of incidence
is also
going to be the same angle theta 1.
So, you would have reflection
happening over here as well.
So essentially if you manage to get this angle
right when you are launching light into this,
into this structure, then it can be confined
within that structure and it can propagate
over certain distance as long as these two
interfaces are parallel to each other, right?
So that is essentially the underlying principle
in endoscopy.
You are launching light into this structure
and through this process of total internal
reflection it is going to carry all that information
to the other end, Ok.
Now of course, there is a, you know limit
to what angles it can gather and to examine
that limit you need to understand what is
happening at this interface at the launch
side, Ok
But we do not have time to discuss that right
So, let us stop here and let us continue in
the next session how we can define what is
the cone of light rays that we can capture
within this wave guide as far as an endoscope
is concerned.
And I would also want you to think about this.
This is leading on to the next topic that
we are going to discuss, Ok.
You can do this experiment with me, right.
your thumb and index finger, any other finger
that you like, Ok and look through this.
And when you look
through this with them far apart, you can
clearly see what is going on the other side,
And then you take it closer, closer, closer
and to the point where you are touching the
other finger.
Then obviously you are not seeing anything
through that.
But just retract a little bit.
Just before you touch that other finger, you
will actually see that you are not, well,
you won't be able to see through.
Just before you touch that other finger, Ok.
Now you can try that now or at home or in
your room wherever, But I want you to come
back the next session, when Thursday and I
want you to tell me what is happening.
Why you are not able to see the light even
though there is a gap between the two fingers?
Ok and that will be the motivation for what
we are going to do next, OK, thank you.