This course aims to introduce students to an interdisciplinary framework that will allow them to explore and theorize the intersections of Gender, Feminism, and Literature. The students will get the opportunity to examine the complex ways in which literary and cultural products/texts inter-animate each other to produce and reproduce how society and culture give rise to new forms of perspectives and ideologies; in turn, determining how identities are constructed. The course will highlight how new ways of looking at gender through various essays and philosophers can transform and reinvent traditional literary and cultural forms. The course will stimulate a nuanced discussion on the historical, empirical, and cultural analyses of contemporary forms of culture, literature, identity, and power relations. A variety of theoretical approaches—Intersectionality, Feminism, Marxism, and Deconstruction—will deepen and complicate the problematics of defining gender in a digital and post-industrial society that constantly reinvents the binaries of male and female.
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Will be announced
Will be announced
Will be announced
Will be announced
Will be announced
Will be announced
Will be announced