Course Name: Introduction to Machine Learning

Course abstract

With the increased availability of data from varied sources there has been increasing attention paid to the various data driven disciplines such as analytics and machine learning. In this course we intend to introduce some of the basic concepts of machine learning from a mathematically well motivated perspective. We will cover the different learning paradigms and some of the more popular algorithms and architectures used in each of these paradigms.

Course Instructor

Media Object

Prof. Balaraman Ravindran

Prof. Balaraman Ravindran is currently a Professor in Computer Science at IIT Madras. He has nearly two decades of research experience in machine learning and specifically reinforcement learning. Currently his research interests are centered on learning from and through interactions and span the areas of data mining, social network analysis, and reinforcement learning.
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Teaching Assistant(s)

No teaching assistant data available for this course yet
 Course Duration : Jan-Apr 2022

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 Enrollment : 14-Nov-2021 to 31-Jan-2022

 Exam registration : 13-Dec-2021 to 18-Mar-2022

 Exam Date : 24-Apr-2022


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Certificate Eligible

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Certified Category Count


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Final Score Calculation Logic

Enrollment Statistics

Total Enrollment: 27877

Assignment Statistics

Score Distribution Graph - Legend

Assignment Score: Distribution of average scores garnered by students per assignment.
Exam Score : Distribution of the final exam score of students.
Final Score : Distribution of the combined score of assignments and final exam, based on the score logic.