The course is about basic electronic circuits, both analog and digital. In the analog part, diode circuits, BJT amplifiers, Op Amp circuits will be covered. In the digital part, combinatorial and sequential circuits will be covered. A unique feature of the course is extensive use of circuit simulation results in order to give a realistic picture of the circuit operation and waveforms. Assignments are designed to help the students to test their understanding of the concepts being covered. A circuit simulation package will be made available (as free download) to enable students to simulate circuits covered in the course and gain further insight in their functioning.
Prof Mahesh B. Patil received his B. Tech. from IIT Bombay in 1984, MS from University of Southern California in 1987, and PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992, all in Electrical Engineering. He has worked as a faculty member at IIT Kanpur from 1994 to 1999, and at IIT Bombay from 1999 to date. His research interests are semiconductor devices and circuits simulation. He has been teaching electronics lab and theory courses for several years, and has written a book Basic electronic devices and circuits (PHI, 2013).