Out of the three main areas of Computer Science and Engineering viz. Computer Organization and Architecture, Compilers and Operating Systems, this course deals with Computer Organization and Architecture. Computer Architecture talks about the basic digital hardware with which the processor is built and Computer Organization talks about the basic interface the digital hardware gives to the compiler and the operating systems to support the user demands. Study of Application Binary Interface is the subject matter of Computer Organization. How these functionalities are actually implemented is the subject matter of Computer Architecture. This course not only addresses the how and what but also the whys of Computer Architecture and Organization. In this course, Computer Architecture will be dealt in theory and Computer Organization using lab classes. For lab, introduction is given for every lab assignment in this course where the actual lab classes can be viewed from NPTEL Information Security - 2 course [http://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/106106141/].
Prof. V. Kamakoti, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras specializes in the area of Computer Architecture and Secure Hardware Design. He is an advisor for many security critical organizations including Banking Institutions. He completed his Master of Science (By research) and PhD at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras in the years 1992 and 1995 respectively. He completed his BE in Computer Science and Engineering from Sri Venketaswara College of Engineering (Affiliated to University of Madras) in the year 1989. He is a coordinator of the Information Security Education and Awareness program of the Department of Information Technology, Government of India