NPTEL Summer/ Winter Internship

About Us

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is a project of MoE created to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs. Every January and July, anywhere between 250-300 courses are offered online - free of cost - for anyone to enroll and learn from.

The certification involves writing an exam that is proctored and conducted in 120 cities across India. 740 online certification courses have been completed as on date with 270 courses currently open for enrollment at

From 2018 summer onward, NPTEL has started offering internships to NOC exam toppers with the respective course instructors.

Eligibility and Selection
  • NPTEL office will contact the course instructor to check if they can take in interns from toppers of their respective courses.
  • Depending on the availability and affirmation from the course instructor, the course toppers are contacted requesting them to apply for internship if interested.
  • The documents are sent to the Course instructor who decides on whether the candidate is eligible for the internship.
  • Course instructor decision is final in all matters with respect to selection of candidates.
Duration of internship
  • NPTEL will be offering 2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks internship. This is purely based on the candidate’s and course instructor’s availability and interest.
  • Such internships are offered once in summer (May/June/July) and winter (Nov/Dec/Jan) each year.

The candidate should apply to NPTEL along with the following support documents to

  • Copy of your resume
  • Last 2 semesters’ grade sheet

The application is forwarded to the course instructor by NPTEL.

Once approval is obtained, the candidate will be contacted.


NPTEL will try to arrange for your accommodation at one of the hostels within the institute premises. In case of non-availability, the candidate has to arrange for his/her own accommodation.

Duration Stipend
2wk Rs. 2500/-
4wk Rs. 5000/-
6wk Rs. 7500/-
8wk Rs. 10,000/-
  • Report at NPTEL office on the first day
  • Fill up registration form
  • Meet with the concerned course instructor
  • Submit consolidated final report and feedback at the end of the internship

NPTEL office will obtain feedback from the course instructor regarding the work done.

Based on the course instructor’s feedback and your regularity as an intern, we shall provide you with:

  • Internship completion certificate
  • Stipend
  • And your name will be displayed in our internship portal
Certificates for CSE department interns
Certificate for others


Contact Us

Mrs.Bharathi Balaji

IC & SR, 3rd floor
IIT Madras
Chennai – 600036
   91-44-22575905 / 08