Modules / Lectures

Sl.No Chapter Name MP4 Download
1Week 1: Lecture 01 - Course IntroDownload
2Week 1: Lecture 02 - Discussion on CourseDownload
3Week 1: Lecture 03 - Faculty Intro: Dr. Geeta Joshi and Dr. Piyush GuptaDownload
4Week 1: Lecture 04 - Faculty Intro: Dr. Abhijit DamDownload
5Week 1: Lecture 05 - Principles of Palliative CareDownload
6Week 1: Lecture 06 - Integrating ScienceDownload
7Week 1: Lecture 07 - Growth of Palliative CareDownload
8Week 1: Lecture 08 - Holistic CareDownload
9Week 1: Lecture 09 - Palliative Care Concepts - InterviewDownload
10Week 1: Lecture 10 - National Scenario of Palliative CareDownload
11Week 1: Lecture 11 - National ScenarioDownload
12Week 1: Lecture 12 - WHO PerspectiveDownload
13Week 2: Lecture 01 - AllopathyDownload
14Week 2: Lecture 02 - Ayush MinistryDownload
15Week 2: Lecture 03 - AyurvedaDownload
16Week 2: Lecture 04 - Ayur Siddha Nature YogaDownload
17Week 2: Lecture 05 - NaturopathyDownload
18Week 2: Lecture 06 - NHAMDownload
19Week 2: Lecture 07 - Ayush ModulesDownload
20Week 2: Lecture 08 - UnaniDownload
21Week 2: Lecture 09 - HomeopathyDownload
22Week 3: Lecture 01 - PC DeliveryDownload
23Week 3: Lecture 02 - PC DeliveryDownload
24Week 3: Lecture 03 - Practicing PCDownload
25Week 3: Lecture 04 - Home Based PCDownload
26Week 3: Lecture 05 - Home CareDownload
27Week 3: Lecture 06 - Home NursingDownload
28Week 3: Lecture 07 - HospiceDownload
29Week 3: Lecture 08 - CaregiverDownload
30Week 3: Lecture 09 - CaregiverDownload
31Week 5: Lecture 01 - Introduction PainDownload
32Week 5: Lecture 02 - Classification PainDownload
33Week 5: Lecture 03 - Pain AssessmentDownload
34Week 5: Lecture 04 - Total PainDownload
35Week 5: Lecture 05 - Hospice Total PainDownload
36Week 5: Lecture 06 - WHO 3 Step LadderDownload
37Week 5: Lecture 07 - Pain ManagementDownload
38Week 5: Lecture 08 - Cancer PainDownload
39Week 5: Lecture 09 - Pain AssessmentDownload
40Week 6: Lecture 01 - Symptom AssessmentDownload
41Week 6: Lecture 02 - Holistic Symptom ManagementDownload
42Week 6: Lecture 03 - ConstipationDownload
43Week 6: Lecture 04 - DeliriumDownload
44Week 6: Lecture 05 - DyspneaDownload
45Week 6: Lecture 06 - Hygiene BedsoresDownload
46Week 6: Lecture 07 - Pressure SoreDownload
47Week 6: Lecture 08 - SecretionsDownload
48Week 6: Lecture 09 - FungatingDownload
49Week 6: Lecture 10 - Fungating WoundDownload
50Week 6: Lecture 11 - Fungating pdfDownload
51Week 6: Lecture 12 - Oral NGT CatheterDownload
52Week 6: Lecture 13 - Oral NGT Cathe pdfDownload
53Week 6: Lecture 14 - NutritionDownload
54Week 7: Lecture 01 - CommunicationDownload
55Week 7: Lecture 02 - CommunicationsDownload
56Week 7: Lecture 03 - Communication in PCDownload
57Week 7: Lecture 04 - Body LanguageDownload
58Week 7: Lecture 05 - Communicating PatientsDownload
59Week 7: Lecture 06 - Good & Bad CommunicationDownload
60Week 7: Lecture 07 - Good & Bad CommunicationDownload
61Week 7: Lecture 08 - Communication Bridging GapDownload
62Week 8: Lecture 01 - Overview of Psychological ReactionsDownload
63Week 8: Lecture 03 - Psychological ReactionsDownload
64Week 8: Lecture 02 - Psychological AspectsDownload
65Week 8: Lecture 04 - Communicating with PatientDownload
66Week 8: Lecture 05 - Breaking Bad NewsDownload
67Week 8: Lecture 06 - Distress and DenialDownload
68Week 8: Lecture 07 - BBN Collusion DenialDownload
69Week 8: Lecture 08 - Emotional Reactions Breaking DenialDownload
70Week 9: Lecture 01 - Communication InterviewDownload
71Week 9: Lecture 02 - Psychological AspectsDownload
72Week 9: Lecture 03 - Anxiety Depression DistressDownload
73Week 9: Lecture 04 - Counsellor in PCDownload
74Week 9: Lecture 05 - Caregiver Burnout YogaDownload
75Week 10: Lecture 01 - PC in ElderlyDownload
76Week 10: Lecture 02 - SpiritualityDownload
77Week 10: Lecture 03 - Spirituality & ReligionDownload
78Week 10: Lecture 04 - Laws of KarmaDownload
79Week 10: Lecture 05 - Last Days of LifeDownload
80Week 10: Lecture 06 - Care of Dying & BereavementDownload
81Week 10: Lecture 07 - Quality of DeathDownload
82Week 10: Lecture 08 - DeathDownload
83Week 10: Lecture 09 - Grief & BereavementDownload
84Week 10: Lecture 10 - Ethics in PCDownload
85Week 11: Lecture 01 - VolunteeringDownload
86Week 11: Lecture 02 - VolunteersDownload
87Week 11: Lecture 03 - VolunteersDownload
88Week 11: Lecture 04 - CommunityDownload
89Week 11: Lecture 05 - Community Based PCDownload
90Week 11: Lecture 06 - Community Based PCDownload
91Week 12: Lecture 01 - Network NeighborhoodDownload
92Week 12: Lecture 02 - Nurse in Home CareDownload
93Week 12: Lecture 03 - Care of DyingDownload
94Week 12: Lecture 04 - Safety PrecautionDownload
95Week 12: Lecture 05 - Self CareDownload
96Week 12: Lecture 06 - Respite CareDownload
97Week 12: Lecture 07 - IT in PCDownload
98Week 12: Lecture 08 - COCDownload
99Week 12: Lecture 09 - SandhiDownload
100Week 12: Lecture 10 - Cancer Aid SocietyDownload
101Week 12: Lecture 11 - AlphaDownload
102Week 12: Lecture 12 - PC Services in PunjabDownload

Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Week 1: Lecture 01 - Course IntroPDF unavailable
2Week 1: Lecture 02 - Discussion on CoursePDF unavailable
3Week 1: Lecture 03 - Faculty Intro: Dr. Geeta Joshi and Dr. Piyush GuptaPDF unavailable
4Week 1: Lecture 04 - Faculty Intro: Dr. Abhijit DamPDF unavailable
5Week 1: Lecture 05 - Principles of Palliative CarePDF unavailable
6Week 1: Lecture 06 - Integrating SciencePDF unavailable
7Week 1: Lecture 07 - Growth of Palliative CarePDF unavailable
8Week 1: Lecture 08 - Holistic CarePDF unavailable
9Week 1: Lecture 09 - Palliative Care Concepts - InterviewPDF unavailable
10Week 1: Lecture 10 - National Scenario of Palliative CarePDF unavailable
11Week 1: Lecture 11 - National ScenarioPDF unavailable
12Week 1: Lecture 12 - WHO PerspectivePDF unavailable
13Week 2: Lecture 01 - AllopathyPDF unavailable
14Week 2: Lecture 02 - Ayush MinistryPDF unavailable
15Week 2: Lecture 03 - AyurvedaPDF unavailable
16Week 2: Lecture 04 - Ayur Siddha Nature YogaPDF unavailable
17Week 2: Lecture 05 - NaturopathyPDF unavailable
18Week 2: Lecture 06 - NHAMPDF unavailable
19Week 2: Lecture 07 - Ayush ModulesPDF unavailable
20Week 2: Lecture 08 - UnaniPDF unavailable
21Week 2: Lecture 09 - HomeopathyPDF unavailable
22Week 3: Lecture 01 - PC DeliveryPDF unavailable
23Week 3: Lecture 02 - PC DeliveryPDF unavailable
24Week 3: Lecture 03 - Practicing PCPDF unavailable
25Week 3: Lecture 04 - Home Based PCPDF unavailable
26Week 3: Lecture 05 - Home CarePDF unavailable
27Week 3: Lecture 06 - Home NursingPDF unavailable
28Week 3: Lecture 07 - HospicePDF unavailable
29Week 3: Lecture 08 - CaregiverPDF unavailable
30Week 3: Lecture 09 - CaregiverPDF unavailable
31Week 5: Lecture 01 - Introduction PainPDF unavailable
32Week 5: Lecture 02 - Classification PainPDF unavailable
33Week 5: Lecture 03 - Pain AssessmentPDF unavailable
34Week 5: Lecture 04 - Total PainPDF unavailable
35Week 5: Lecture 05 - Hospice Total PainPDF unavailable
36Week 5: Lecture 06 - WHO 3 Step LadderPDF unavailable
37Week 5: Lecture 07 - Pain ManagementPDF unavailable
38Week 5: Lecture 08 - Cancer PainPDF unavailable
39Week 5: Lecture 09 - Pain AssessmentPDF unavailable
40Week 6: Lecture 01 - Symptom AssessmentPDF unavailable
41Week 6: Lecture 02 - Holistic Symptom ManagementPDF unavailable
42Week 6: Lecture 03 - ConstipationPDF unavailable
43Week 6: Lecture 04 - DeliriumPDF unavailable
44Week 6: Lecture 05 - DyspneaPDF unavailable
45Week 6: Lecture 06 - Hygiene BedsoresPDF unavailable
46Week 6: Lecture 07 - Pressure SorePDF unavailable
47Week 6: Lecture 08 - SecretionsPDF unavailable
48Week 6: Lecture 09 - FungatingPDF unavailable
49Week 6: Lecture 10 - Fungating WoundPDF unavailable
50Week 6: Lecture 11 - Fungating pdfPDF unavailable
51Week 6: Lecture 12 - Oral NGT CatheterPDF unavailable
52Week 6: Lecture 13 - Oral NGT Cathe pdfPDF unavailable
53Week 6: Lecture 14 - NutritionPDF unavailable
54Week 7: Lecture 01 - CommunicationPDF unavailable
55Week 7: Lecture 02 - CommunicationsPDF unavailable
56Week 7: Lecture 03 - Communication in PCPDF unavailable
57Week 7: Lecture 04 - Body LanguagePDF unavailable
58Week 7: Lecture 05 - Communicating PatientsPDF unavailable
59Week 7: Lecture 06 - Good & Bad CommunicationPDF unavailable
60Week 7: Lecture 07 - Good & Bad CommunicationPDF unavailable
61Week 7: Lecture 08 - Communication Bridging GapPDF unavailable
62Week 8: Lecture 01 - Overview of Psychological ReactionsPDF unavailable
63Week 8: Lecture 03 - Psychological ReactionsPDF unavailable
64Week 8: Lecture 02 - Psychological AspectsPDF unavailable
65Week 8: Lecture 04 - Communicating with PatientPDF unavailable
66Week 8: Lecture 05 - Breaking Bad NewsPDF unavailable
67Week 8: Lecture 06 - Distress and DenialPDF unavailable
68Week 8: Lecture 07 - BBN Collusion DenialPDF unavailable
69Week 8: Lecture 08 - Emotional Reactions Breaking DenialPDF unavailable
70Week 9: Lecture 01 - Communication InterviewPDF unavailable
71Week 9: Lecture 02 - Psychological AspectsPDF unavailable
72Week 9: Lecture 03 - Anxiety Depression DistressPDF unavailable
73Week 9: Lecture 04 - Counsellor in PCPDF unavailable
74Week 9: Lecture 05 - Caregiver Burnout YogaPDF unavailable
75Week 10: Lecture 01 - PC in ElderlyPDF unavailable
76Week 10: Lecture 02 - SpiritualityPDF unavailable
77Week 10: Lecture 03 - Spirituality & ReligionPDF unavailable
78Week 10: Lecture 04 - Laws of KarmaPDF unavailable
79Week 10: Lecture 05 - Last Days of LifePDF unavailable
80Week 10: Lecture 06 - Care of Dying & BereavementPDF unavailable
81Week 10: Lecture 07 - Quality of DeathPDF unavailable
82Week 10: Lecture 08 - DeathPDF unavailable
83Week 10: Lecture 09 - Grief & BereavementPDF unavailable
84Week 10: Lecture 10 - Ethics in PCPDF unavailable
85Week 11: Lecture 01 - VolunteeringPDF unavailable
86Week 11: Lecture 02 - VolunteersPDF unavailable
87Week 11: Lecture 03 - VolunteersPDF unavailable
88Week 11: Lecture 04 - CommunityPDF unavailable
89Week 11: Lecture 05 - Community Based PCPDF unavailable
90Week 11: Lecture 06 - Community Based PCPDF unavailable
91Week 12: Lecture 01 - Network NeighborhoodPDF unavailable
92Week 12: Lecture 02 - Nurse in Home CarePDF unavailable
93Week 12: Lecture 03 - Care of DyingPDF unavailable
94Week 12: Lecture 04 - Safety PrecautionPDF unavailable
95Week 12: Lecture 05 - Self CarePDF unavailable
96Week 12: Lecture 06 - Respite CarePDF unavailable
97Week 12: Lecture 07 - IT in PCPDF unavailable
98Week 12: Lecture 08 - COCPDF unavailable
99Week 12: Lecture 09 - SandhiPDF unavailable
100Week 12: Lecture 10 - Cancer Aid SocietyPDF unavailable
101Week 12: Lecture 11 - AlphaPDF unavailable
102Week 12: Lecture 12 - PC Services in PunjabPDF unavailable

Sl.No Language Book link
1EnglishNot Available
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
4HindiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available
8TamilNot Available
9TeluguNot Available