Modules / Lectures

Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Greek Philosophy: Ionians, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Heraclitus and DemocritusPDF unavailable
2Sophists, Socrates; philosophy of man; relativism and subjectivism; the idea of goodPDF unavailable
3Platos idealism: theory of ideasPDF unavailable
4Plato: theory of knowledge, method of dialectic; theory of soulPDF unavailable
5Aristotles criticism of Platonic idealism and the concepts of Form and MatterPDF unavailable
6Aristotles theory of causation; potentiality and actualityPDF unavailable
7Medieval philosophy: St. Augustine and the Problem of evil; St. Thomas Aquinass concepts of faith and reason; proofs for the existence of God.PDF unavailable
8Modern Philosophy: mail characteristic features; renaissance and scientific revolution; rationalism and empiricism: main features.PDF unavailable
9Descartes: the method in philosophy; the concepts of doubt and indubitable knowledge.PDF unavailable
10Descartes: the mind-body dualism; the concept of God and proofs for Gods existencePDF unavailable
11Spinoza: the concepts of Substance, attributes and modes.PDF unavailable
12Spinozas pantheism-God and naturePDF unavailable
13Leibniz: Monadology; the mind-body problem revisited; concept of God; the concept of pre-established harmonyPDF unavailable
14The empiricism of John Locke: ideas and their classification; refutation of innate ideasPDF unavailable
15John Locke: theory of knowledge; concept of substance; the primary and secondary qualitiesPDF unavailable
16Berkeley: the refutation of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, immaterialismPDF unavailable
17Berkeleys critique of abstract ideas, esse est percipi, the problem of solipsism; God and selfPDF unavailable
18Hume : Impressions and ideas, knowledge concerning relations of ideas and knowledge concerning matters of fact, induction and causality.PDF unavailable
19The external world and the self, personal identity, rejection of metaphysics, scepticism, reason and the passions.PDF unavailable
20Critical Philosophy: characteristic features; kantd objectives: the classification of judgements, possibility of synthetic a priori judgements, the Copernican revolutionPDF unavailable
21Kant: forms of sensibility, categories of understanding; the process of knowledge acquisition; phenomenon and noumenon,PDF unavailable
22The Ideas of Reason-soul, God and world as a whole; antinomies; rejection of speculative metaphysics.PDF unavailable
23Kants ethics; freedom and immortality, problems with Kant.PDF unavailable
24Hegel : The conception of Geist (spirit), the dialectical method, concepts of being, non-being and becoming,PDF unavailable
25Absolute idealism; consciousness, self consciousness and reason.PDF unavailable
26Karl Marx: historical materialism; the significance of the proletariat; the base structure-superstructure division.PDF unavailable
27Nietzsche : Critique of western culture, religion and morality; will to power; the idea of superman.PDF unavailable
28Linguistic turn in British philosophy: Russells logical atomism and the refutation of idealism.PDF unavailable
29Wittgenstein : early Wittgensteins conception of language and reality; the picture theory of meaningPDF unavailable
30Later Wittgensteins conception of language games and forms of life; meaning and use.PDF unavailable
31Logical positivism; against metaphysics and a scientific conception of philosophy; the limitation of logical positivismPDF unavailable
32Husserl : Phenomenology and the methods of reduction; the principle of intentionality.PDF unavailable
33Phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction and transcendental reduction; transcendental subjectivity; the pure subject.PDF unavailable
34Heidegger : phenomenological hermeneutics; concept of Being; man as being-in-the-world; destruction of the western intellectual tradition.PDF unavailable
35Authentic and inauthentic existence; Truth as disclosurePDF unavailable
36Existentialism: main features; existence precedes essence; freedom and responsibility; finiteness and situatedness of human existencePDF unavailable
37Sartres conception of human existence; man is condemned to be free; rejection of essentialismPDF unavailable
38The concept of being-in-itself, being-for-itself and being-for-othersPDF unavailable
39Postmodernism: major trends and chief characteristic features; conceptions of human subject; different postmodern approachesPDF unavailable
40Deconstruction, feminism, discourse theory etc.PDF unavailable

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