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3.1 Algorithm: Runge-Kutta Method of order 2

For the initial value problem (1.1) or (2.11), let $ x_i=a+ih$, i=0,1,2..n where h is a given prescribed step size. set $ y_0=y_0$. for $ k=0,1,2...n-1$ define $ y_{k+1}$ by

$\displaystyle y_{k+1}=y_k+\frac{1}{2}(k_1+k_2),$


$\displaystyle k_1=hf(x_k,y_k)$

$\displaystyle k_2=hf(x_k+h,y_k+k_1)$

The flow chart associated with the R-k method of order 2 is

root 2006-02-16