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Some examples of Arrays and pointers
In the last lecture we saw about pointers and arrays, pointer to a pointer and pointer to arrays. We will summarize some of these concepts through the example below.
Pointer-Summary-1.c #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> main() { int num [ ] = { 10,20,30,40,50 } print ( &num, 5, num); } print ( int *j, int n, int b[5]) { int i; for(i=0;i<=4;i++) { printf
( "
%u %d %d
%u \n ", &j[i]
, *j , *(b+i) ,
&b); j++; } } In this example we have a single
dimensional array num and a function print . We are passing, the address to the
first element of the array, the number of elements and the array itself, to
this function. When the function
receives this arguments, it maps the first one to another pointer j and the array num is copied into another array b . (The type declarations are made here itself.
Note that these declarations can also be given just below this line). j
is now a pointer to the array b. Note that as we increment j it points to the successive elements of the array.
We can get both the address of the array elements and the value stored there
using this. However the array name, which acts also as the pointer to its base address is not able to give us the address of its elements.
Or in other words, the array name is a constant pointer. Also note that while j is points to the elements of the array num, b is pointing to
its copy. Next we have an example that uses a two dimensional
array. Here care should be taken to declare the number of columns correctly. Pointer-summary-2.c #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> main() { int arr [ ][3] =
{{11,12,13}, {21,22,23},{31,32,33},{41,42,43},{51,52,53}}; int
I , j ; int *p , (*q) [3], *r ; p = (int
*) arr ; q = arr; r = (int
*) q ; printf
( "
%u %u %d
%d %d %d \n
", p , q , *p ,
*(r) ,
*(r+1), *(r+2)); p++ ; q++ ; r = (int
*) q ; printf
( "
%u %u %d
%d %d %d \n
", p , q , *p ,
*(r) ,
*(r+1), *(r+2)); } Here we have a pointer p and a pointer array q.
The first assignment statement is to make the pointer p
points to the array arr. While assigning, we also declare the type of
the variable arr. Note that variables on both side of this
statement should have the same type.
Next line is a similar statement , now with q and arr . Since q is a pointer array, the array can be directly
assigned to it and there is no need for specifying the type of the
variable. In the next line we make the
pointer r to point to the pointer array q . Then we will print out
the different values. Here is what we get from this , 3221223344 3221223344 11 11 12 13 3221223348 3221223356 12 21 22 23 Here we see that incrementing p make it just jump through each element of the
array, where as incrementing q, will move it
from one row to another row. Passing 2 Dimensional Arrays
to a Function So
far we have looked at the ways to pass a one dimensional array to a function.
Let us now extend this to the case of a two dimensional array. There are four
different ways of passing a two dimensional array to a function We
will illustrate the use of these four methods through the sample program. In
this we pass a two dimensional array to four functions, using each one of the
methods mentioned above. two-dim-array.c #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { int
arr[ ][2]={{11,12},{21,22},{31,32},{41,42},{51,52}}; int i,m,n,*j; m=5; n=2; print(arr,m,n); show(arr,m,n); display(arr,m); exhibit(arr,m); } Print (int b[
][2],int l,int p) { int i,j; printf("print
\n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { printf("%d
%d \n",b[i][0],b[i][1]); } } Show (int *b,int
l,int p) { int i,j; printf("show
\n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { printf("%d
%d \n",*(b+i*2+0),*(b+i*2+1)); } } display
(int(*b)[2],int l) { int i,j,*p; printf("display \n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { p=(int*)b; printf("%d
%d \n",*(p),*(p+1)); b++; } } exhibit (int
(*b)[5][2],int l) { int i,j; printf("exhibit \n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { printf("%d
%d \n",(*b)[i][0],(*b)[i][1]); } } The functions, print, show, display and exhibit,are used to demonstrate
how the arrays are passed as arguments, the function call is the
same but the way the arguments are received in the function definition is
different. Print gets it as an array, display gets it as a one dimensional pointer array, show
gets it as a pointer and exhibit as a two
dimensional pointer array. All the functions do exactly the same thing, that is to print out the elements of the array. Note
the different ways the elements are accessed inside each of these functions. In the function
show the two
dimensional array is received as pointer. On incrementing this pointer we can
access each of the elements of the two-dimensional array .
The elements of the array are read row by row. In
the function display the two dimensional array is received as
a one dimensional pointer array b. By
default this pointer array, which had the same number of
elements as the number of columns in out two dimensional array, is pointing to
the first row of the two dimensional array. To access this elements we now need
another pointer, which is defined here as p . We
then make the
assignment p=(int*)b inside this function and read the two
elements of the first row. When we increment
b by b++ we go to the next row and so on . In the case of
function exhibit each element of the two
dimensional array of pointers is pointing to the corresponding element of
array. Please note the use of paranthesis to read the elements of this array of
pointers. Returning Array from a Function While there are
four different way to pass a two dimensional array to a function
, there are only three different ways to return a two dimensional array
from a function. They are, As
in the earlier case we will look at a sample program to understand this better. Return-array.c #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #define l 4 main( ) { int *a,i; int *matrix1( ); int (*b)[2]; int *r; int (*matrix2( ))[2]; int (*c)[5][2]; int (*matrix3( ))[5][2]; a=matrix1( ); printf("matrix1
\n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) printf("%d %d \n",
*(a+i*2),*(a+i*2+1)); b=matrix2( ); printf("matrix2
\n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) { r=(int*)b; r=(int*)b; printf("%d %d
\n",*r,*(r+1)); b++; } c=matrix3( ); printf("matrix3 \n"); for(i=0;i<l;i++) {
%d \n", (*c)[i][0],(*c)[i][1]); } } int *
matrix1( ) { static int arr[
][2]={{11,12},{21,22},{31,32},{41,42},{51,52}}; return *arr; } int (*matrix2( ))[2] { static int arr[
][2]={{11,12},{21,22},{31,32},{41,42},{51,52}}; return arr; } int (*matrix3( ))[5][2] { static int arr[
][2]={{11,12},{21,22},{31,32},{41,42},{51,52}}; return
(int(*)[5][2])arr; } Here in the
function matrix1, which is declared as a
pointer, we
have a two dimensional array with 5 rows and 2 columns and it returns this
array as a pointer. To receive it the
main function should have an integer pointer.
That is in the statement a=matrix1(
); in the main function a should an
integer pointer. What is returned here
is the address to the array arr. In the function matrix2,
which is declared as a one dimensional array of pointers, the return statement
is quite different from the other two. Here array is returned by simply its
name. In the main program the statement b=matrix2( ); receive it
through the one dimensional pointer b. In matrix3 which is declared as a two dimensional array
of pointers, the return statement should specify the full dimension of the
array and its variable type. It is received in the main program by a two
dimensional pointer array. In all the cases with pointers and arrays we have looked at so
far, the array dimension was fixed. However there are cases in which we would
like to change the dimension of the arrays dynamically. We will look at this
aspect of pointes in the next lecture.
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