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Numerical Errors:
Numerical errors arise during computations due to round-off errors and truncation errors.
Round-off Errors:
Round-off error occurs because computers use fixed number of bits and hence fixed number of binary digits to represent numbers. In a numerical computation round-off errors are introduced at every stage of computation. Hence though an individual round-off error due to a given number at a given numerical step may be small but the cumulative effect can be significant.
When the number of bits required for representing a number are less then the number is usually rounded to fit the available number of bits. This is done either by chopping or by symmetric rounding.
Chopping: Rounding a number by chopping amounts to dropping the extra digits. Here the given number is truncated. Suppose that we are using a computer with a fixed word length of four digits. Then the truncated representation of the number will be . The digits will be dropped. Now to evaluate the error due to chopping let us consider the normalized representation of the given number i.e.
chopping error in representing .
So in general if a number is the true value of a given number and is the normalized form of the rounded (chopped) number and is the normalized form of the chopping error then
Since , the chopping error
Symmetric Round-off Error :
In the symmetric round-off method the last retained significant digit is rounded up by 1 if the first discarded digit is greater or equal to 5.In other words, if in is such that then the last digit in is raised by 1 before chopping . For example let be two given numbers to be rounded to five digit numbers. The normalized form x and y are and . On rounding these numbers to five digits we get and respectively. Now w.r.t here
In either case error .
Truncation Errors:
Often an approximation is used in place of an exact mathematical procedure. For instance consider the Taylor series expansion of say i.e.
Practically we cannot use all of the infinite number of terms in the series for computing the sine of angle x. We usually terminate the process after a certain number of terms. The error that results due to such a termination or truncation is called as 'truncation error'.
Usually in evaluating logarithms, exponentials, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions etc. an infinite series of the form is replaced by a finite series . Thus a truncation error of is introduced in the computation.
For example let us consider evaluation of exponential function using first three terms at
Truncation Error
Absolute and Relative Errors:
Absolute Error: Suppose that and denote the true and approximate values of a datum then the error incurred on approximating by is given by
and the absolute error i.e. magnitude of the error is given by
Relative Error: Relative Error or normalized error in representing a true datum by an approximate value is defined by
Sometimes is defined by
If and then
Machine Epsilon: Let us assume that we have a decimal computer system.
We know that we would encounter round-off error when a number is represented in floating-point form. The relative round-off error due to chopping is defined by
Here we know that
i.e. maximum relative round-off error due to chopping is given by . We know that the value of 'd' i.e the length of mantissa is machine dependent. Hence the maximum relative round-off error due to chopping is also known as machine epsilon . Similarly , maximum relative round-off error due to symmetric rounding is given by
Machine-Epsilon for symmetric rounding is given by,
It is important to note that the machine epsilon represents upper bound for the round-off error due to floating point representation.
For a computer system with binary representation the machine epsilon due to chopping and symmetric rounding are given by
Eg: Assume that our binary machine has 24-bit mantissa. Then . Say that our system can represent a q decimal digit mantissa.
that our machine can store numbers with seven significant decimal digits.
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