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Lab schedule

Week Experiment
1 Familiarization of CRO and function generator
2 Charactersticks of passive circuit elements (R, L and C)
3 Verification of network theorms
4 Time and Frequency response of RC, RL circuits.
5 Some electronic components and their charactersticks: diode, zener diode, LED, photodetector, microphone
6 DC power supply
7 Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) circuits
8 Voltage amplifiers using operational amplifiers
9 Waveshaping and waveform generation using Op-amps
10 Basic combinatorial circuits
11 Logic design using multiplexers and basic sequential circuits
12 Synchronous and ripple counters

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Next: About this document ... Up: Introduction to Electronics Previous: Edge triggered Flip-Flop   Contents
ynsingh 2007-07-25