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course outline

Approaximate lecture hours are mentioned in bracketts.

  1. Passive components: Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance; lumped element model; series, parrallel combinations; kirchoff's law: voltage, current; assumptions for the models; linearity - how to define it? (1)
  2. Signalling sources: voltage and current sources; nonideal sources; representation under assumption of linearity; controller sources: VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS; concept of gain, transconductance, transimpedance. (1)
  3. DC circuit analysis: node and loop analysis; Choice of nodes and branches for efficient analysis (Graph theoritic representation of circuit) (1)
  4. Superposition theorm; Thevenin's theorm; Norton's theorm (1)
  5. Time domain response of RL and RC circuits (2)
  6. Sinusoidal steady state repsonse; phasor; impedance; transfer function of two port networks (1)
  7. Frequencey response: concept; amplitude and phase response; Bode plots (2)
  8. Passive filter circuits; computation of transfer function (1)
  9. Two port networks: modelling; T and $ \Pi$ model; $ \Pi$-T transformation and vice-versa (1)
  10. Discrete electronic devices: Diode, zener diode, BJT (Bipolar junction transistor), LED, Photodiode, Phototransistor, varactor; characterstick and operation (qualitative descriptiona and quantitative behaviour with blackbox approach) (1)
  11. Diode circuits; clipper, clamper circuits. (1)
  12. DC power supply: rectifier- half wave, full wave (center tapped, bridge), zener regulated power supply, regulation (with regulator IC- LM317). (2)
  13. BJT charactersticks; BJT biasing; CE-biasing circuits: operating point; h-parameter model of transistor; large/small signal models (concept); large/small signal models of CE-BJT amplifier (3)
  14. Design of amplifier; Differential amplifier (using BJT). (2)
  15. Operational amplifier: basic model; virtual ground concept; inverting amplifier; non-inverting amplifier; integrator; differentiator; Schmitt trigger; astable multivibrator (3)
  16. Basic feedback theory; +ve and -ve feedback; concept of stability; oscillator (1)
  17. Waveform generator using op-amp schimitt trigger for Square wave, triangular wave Wien bridge oscillator for sinuisoidal waveform (1)
  18. Simple active filters: low pass, high pass, bandpass, notch filter (2)
  19. Logic gates: OR, NOT, AND, NOR and NAND; universal gates; XOR and XNOR gate; Truth tables. (1)
  20. Multiplexer; Gate base implementation (1)
  21. Logic function representation, truth table from problem, combinatorial circuits. (1)
  22. Designing combinatorial circuits: SOP, POS form; K-map; Optimization. (1)
  23. Flip-flop; S-R flip-flop; JK masterslave flipflop; D-flip flop (2)
  24. Sequencial circuits: Generic block diagram; finite state machine model. (1)
  25. Counters: configruation, operation; up/down counters; shift registers; Sequence generators (2)
  26. 555 timer: description, data sheet, multivirators (2)
  27. D/A (Digital to Analog) convertor, A/D (analog to digital) convertor (2)
objectives of the course

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ynsingh 2007-07-25