Chapter 19: Band to Band Generation

Band to Band Generation

Thermal or photon energy is absorbed

Fig. 8.2

                                     Fig. 8.2

Band to Band Recombination

Photons are almost mass less very small momentum

Therefore, photon assisted transition vertical on E-k plot

In GaAs direct bandgap semiconductor, there is little change in momentum is needed for recombination process to proceed. Conservation of energy and momentum is simply met by release of photon.

Fig. 8.3

                       Fig. 8.3


In an indirect bandgap semiconductor there is a change of crystal momentum associated with a recombination process. The emission of a photon will conserve energy but not momentum. For Band to Band recombination in an indirect bandgap semiconductor to proceed a photon must be emitted or absorbed - lattice vibration.

Fig. 8.4

                                    Fig. 8.4

Band to Band process in indirect semiconductors is complicated. This means that a diminished rate band to -band recombination in indirect semiconductors. In indirect semiconductors R-G, center recombination dominates.

All info on band to band radiative recombination optical absorption coefficient .

(Direct BG)

Fig. 8.5


Fig. 8.5

Photon electron hole.

generation rate Planck's radiantion law

Radiative recombination rate

Thermal equilibrium


The excess carrier Radiative recombination rate






rate at which electrons and holes disappear.

has units of sec-1 and so we can define

as carriers lifetime (minority carrier)

Radiative recombination lifetime

n type semiconductor Donor .


At high level injection








at 300K.