Yarn Manufacture-II Quiz-4


Question 1: To reduce the problem of ‘ring cut’ the following action should be taken

Polishing the ring
Using smaller rings

Increase the full bobbin diameter
Reduce the full bobbin diameter

Question 2: Having wider spinning triangle

Decreases the hairiness of the yarn
Increases the hairiness of the yarn
Increases the mass uniformity of the yarn
Increases the strength of the yarn

Question 3: Winding coils are placed when the ring rail is moving downwards.


Question 4: As we increase the yarn twist, the yarn strength

Increases steadily
Increases up to a point and then decreases
Decreases steadily
Decreases up to a point and then increases.

Question 5: The actual twist in the yarn wound in a single chase does not vary at all in this length produced during this period.


Question 6: Which of the following types of fibres tend to stay in core of the yarn?

Short fibres
Coarse fibres
Long fibres
More crimped fibres

Question 7: The Rieter comfort spin yarn compacting technology is based on

Magnetic principle
Aerodynamic principle
Mechanical system
Combination of Magnetic and Mechanical systems

Question 8: In ring spun yarns, the fibre strength is not totally translated into yarn strength


Question 9: To change the taper angle of the ring bobbin,

The chase length should be changed
The conicity of the bare bobbin should be changed
The lift after each chase length formation should be changed
The spindle speed should be changed

Question 10: The irregular surface of the ring bobbin is due to

Faulty counter balancing of the ring rail
Slippage of the spindle drive belt
Vibration in spindle
Irregular movement of the lappet rail.


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