Textile Fibres (MCQ : MODULE 6- Regenerated fibers )
Question 1: Viscose rayon filaments are produced through the process of manufacturing known as
Solution spinning Melt spinning Gel spinning Dry jet wet spinning
Question 2: Lyocel is a
protein fiber cellulosic fiber polyamide fiber polyester fiber
Question 3: % crystallinity of standard viscose rayon fiber is approximately
20 35 50 65
Question 4: Delustering of viscose is done by…………………treatment
acid solvent alkali TiO2
Question 5: What is viscose fibre chemically?
cellulosic proteinic modified cellulosic modacrylic
Question 6: Di-acetate fibre is…………………fibre.
manmade cellulosic modified protein modified cellulosic
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