Shuttleless Weaving (MCQ : SECTION - 3.2)

Question 1: Match the pairs

A.Rapier heads on both sides of selvedges 1. Discontinuous weft between picks
B.Rapier head shared by two adjacent looms 2. Very low value of acceleration
C.Rapier at centre of shed 3. Highest value of deceleration
D.Rapiers at the start of motion 4. Bi-Phase loom

(A3, B1, C4, D2)
(A4, B2, C3, D1)
(A2, B1, C4, D3)
(A1, B4, C3, D2)


Question 2 : For displacement function of rapier handling very weak yarn

Sinusoidal motion is better than cycloidal
Modified trapezoidal is better than cycloidal
Sinusoidal motion is better than modified trapezoidal
Cycloidal is better than modified trapezoidal


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