Shuttleless Weaving (MCQ : SECTION - 2)

Question 1: Match the pairs

A.Shuttleless weft carrier 1. Varying pick length
B.Stationary weft supply package 2. Uneven crimp distribution in fabric
C.Weft on pirn 3. Smaller shed depth
D.Variation in weft tension 4. Controlled weft tension

(A3, B4, C1, D2)
(A3, B4, C2, D1)
(A2, B1, C4, D3)
(A2, B3, C4, D1)

Question 2 : On a conventional loom, increase in dimension and mass of shuttle would cause

No change in energy consumption, loom rpm and reed width
Elevated energy consumption but no change in reed width and loom rpm
Elevated energy consumption and reduction in weft insertion rate

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