1. Which was the first superconducting material to be discovered ?
2. What type of measurements were performed on it which suggested
zero-resistance ?
For a fixed current, the voltage across a column of Hg was
measured as a function of temperature and was found to become immeasurably
small below about 4.18 K.
Superconductors exhibit the Meissner effect wherein the flux
is expelled from it in the superconducting state. They also exhibit
the isotope effect wherein the
depends on the isotopic
4. Suggest a method of monitoring the current in a superconducting
loop that does not involve interfering with the loop.
Since the current in the loop will generate a magnetic field,
this can be monitored.
5. Which property characterises superconductivity along with zero
electrical resistance ?
(a) Perfect Ferromagnetism
(b) Perfect Paramagnetism
(c) Perfect Diamagnetism
(d) The expulsion of any externally applied magnetic field.
(c). Since there is a critical field below which complete
flux expulsion takes place, (d) is incorrect.