Module 1: Fuels characterization and energy balance
  Lecture 4: Production of secondary fuel

Heat Balance

For heat balance calculations, reference temperature of 298K is normally selected.

Heat balance at steady state is
Heat Input = Heat output + Heat losses

In coke-making heat input is the calorific value of coal and CV of coke-oven gas burnt. CV of coal can be determined by Dulong formula as illustrated in Lecture 2.

Heat output consists of

(i)  Sensible heat in coke :
     It can be determined by

where X is mass of coke, Cp is specific heat of coke and is temperature of coke discharged from coke oven.Cpc is 0.359 Kcal/KgoC.

(ii) Sensible heat in coke oven gas:
      It can may be calculated by

where is specific heat of coke-oven gas. Its value may be taken as 0.44 Kcal/m3 oC and Y is kg mole of producer gas.