Module 1: Fuels characterization and energy balance
  Lecture 1: Energy and Environment


What should be done????

Energy consumption is an indicator of the economic growth of a nation. A developing nation like ours has the needs of energy for industrial growth. Unless renewable sources of energy are exploited on a massive scale, fossil fuel is the only source of energy. Limited reserves of fossil fuels and the way in which fossil fuel energy is available (combustion and unutilized energy in Products of combustion) need ways to search means to optimize energy consumption. Energy saving will automatically reduce the carbon emission.

We should think in terms of the following concept

  • Switch : Can we switch over to renewable energy source? If yes, to what extent?
  • Reduce: Can we reduce the present level of energy consumption? If yes, then how?
  • Capture: Can we capture the heat of POC which is exiting the industrial furnace? If yes, how?


(1) R. Schuhmann: Metallurgical Engineering, Vol.1 Engineering Principles
(2) O.P.Gupta: elements of fuels, furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publishers