Module 1: Fuels characterization and energy balance
  Lecture 1: Energy and Environment


Renewable sources of energy

  • Geothermal: energy obtained by tapping the heat of the earth below its surface. Hot underground water or steam is used to produce electricity.

  • Biogas: produced from wastes of paper and sugar industries, animal and so on. CH4 is the product.

  • Bio fuel: Biodiesel, ethanol etc. are derived from plants.

  • Solid Biomass: Wood fuel, biogenic portion of municipal waste, certain plants. Biomass may be used in a number of ways to produce energy. The common methods are gasification, combustion, fermentation and anaerobic digestion. India is very rich in biomass

  • Hydro-thermal: Energy in water in the form of KE, temperature difference

  • Solar Energy: Energy collected from sunlight. It can be used in many ways:
    • Generate electricity using photovoltaic cells.
    • Generate electricity using concentrating solar power.
    • Photovoltaic cells have a low efficiency factor.