1.7.4 Spinel Structure
Formulae – (A2+)(B3+)2O4 or AB2O4 or AO.B2O3
FCC Packing of anions
Partial occupancy of both tetrahedral and octahedral sites i.e.1/8th of tetrahedral and ½ of the octahedral sites are occupied.
A spinel unit-cell is made up of eight FCC cells made by oxygen ions in the configuration 2×2×2, so it is a big structure consisting of 32 oxygen atoms, 8 A atoms and 16 B atoms.
Depending on how cations occupy different interstices, spinel structure can be Normal or Inverse. Normal Spinel
Chemical formula: (A2+)(B3+)O4
Examples are many aluminates such as MgAl2O4, FeAl2O4, CoAl2O4 and a few ferrites such as ZnFe2O4 and CdFe2O4.
In this structure, all the A2+ ions occupy the tetrahedral sites and all the B3+ ions occupy the octahedral sites.
Apply bond strength rule to verify the stoichiometry
Cations: - A2+ - 2⁄4 ; B3+ - 3⁄6
Oxygen valence =
(2⁄4x1)+ (3⁄6x3) = 2
Figure 1.30 Schematic of spinel structure | Inverse Spinel B(AB)O4
Chemical formula:
(A2+)(B3+)2O4 but can be more conveniently written as B(AB)O4.
Most ferrite follow this structure such as Fe3O4 (or FeO.Fe2O3), NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4 etc.
In this structure, ½ of the B3+ ions occupy the tetrahedral sites and remaining ½ B3+ and all A2+ ions occupy the octahedral sites (now you can hopefully make sense of the formula in the previous line).