Module 3: Defects, Diffusion and Conduction in Ceramics
  Examples of Ionic Conductors in Engineering Applications

      3.16.3 Oxygen Sensors in Automobile Exhaust

  • Modern automobiles demands good fuel efficiencies and pollution control.

  • Exhaust gases are NOx gases, CO, Hydrocarbons.

  • One alternative is to use the catalytic converters, which however do not regulate the fuel consumption.

  • The above air/ fuel ratio of ~ 14.5, hydrocarbons and CO are decomposed efficiently but not NOx, while below 14.5, the reverse is true.

  • When there are deviations in the air /fuel ratio from the stoichiometric value of 14.5, pO2 in the exhaust changes dramatically from ~ 10-9 to 10-26 atm. This differential provides a way to use the activity of oxygen, i.e. to measure the combustion efficiency.

  • The process is to first measure the pO2 of the exhaust by using an oxygen sensor. The difference between the pO2 of the exhaust and air can be translated into an electrical signal which is fed as an electrical input to the fuel injection system to optimize the air/fuel ratio.

  • Oxygen sensors are typically conducting ceramics operating on two principles:

    • First type is based on Nernst effect where an electrical potential is created when there is a pO2 gradient across the sensor.

    • Second type is where one can measure the variation in the conductivity of the ceramic vs pO2 .

  • Defect concentration varies by orders of magnitude upon changes in background pO2and temperature. This also affects the electrical conductivity of the ceramic, which is generally proportional to the number of current carriers, dependent upon T and pO2 .

  • Figure 3.11 shows the schematic of an exhaust gas sensor using Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 which gives rise to sufficient voltages under a gradient of oxygen partial pressures encountered in automobiles which can be used to regulate the fuel/air supply.

Figure 3.11 (a) Schematic of a automobile exhaust sensors and (b) potential generated by different oxygen partial pressure on two sides of the electrolyte.