Module 3 :

What are the fall-outs of Alloying?

Positive Effects

  • Remarkable increase in Yield Strength, Impact Strength and Hardness – eg. alloy steels vs. plain carbon-steel
  • Improvement in corrosion resistance eg. Chromium in Steel
  • Occasional improvement in machinability eg. Sulphur and Lead in Steel
  • Reduces Cost eg. Copper+Cadmium etc.
  • Changes basic property eg. Doped Silicon

Negative Effects

  • Reduction in Ductility: In most of the cases, the ductility of an alloy comes down considerably example, the reduction of ductility in Bronze from pure Copper.
  • Reduction in Conductivity: Most of the times there are reductions in both thermal and electrical conductivity; example, Copper + Cadmium.