Module 1 :
Lecture 2 : Boundary Layer

  • Laminar Boundary Layer: Transverse transport of momentum and vorticity is driven by VISCOUS SHEAR STRESS

  • Turbulent Boundary Layer: Transverse transport is driven by turbulence itself, (TURBULENT FLUCTUATIONS)


Persons in two side by side vehicles (moving with different velocities) exchanging water melons. The vehicles achieve same velocity after some time.


The estimate for the tickness of a turbulent bounadry layer is,


The reasonable but rough estimates are

The maximum value of turbulent fluctuations,


Where is the velocity scale given by wall shear stress .

For a given flow,

and =constant


Skin friction data indicate that δ grows slightly slower than x itself as x increases

,     for moderately high Reynolds numbers

One can derive the above result from the experimental result of Blasius

Following Nikuradse's experiments, one obtains

,   for high Reynolds numbers