Module 2: Excitation reduction at source and factors affecting vibration level
  Lecture 4: Control of vibration due to forced excitation and other causes

To control the vortex-induced vibration, various methods have been suggested.

  1. One obvious way of avoiding vortex shedding is to streamline the body, if possible. A streamline construction of the marine pier has been met with moderate success. This method is effective only if the flow angle relative to the structure is essentially constant.

Figure 4.6 : Streamline marine pier


  1. The helical spoiler (Fig. 4.7) has been found to be successful in breaking the regular vortex pattern in the wake of a tall cylindrical stack (chimney), thus preventing a clearly defined excitation.

               Figure 4.7 : Helical spoiler

    Shrouds and small rectangular plates fitted at intervals around a stack also introduce irregularity near the wake of the cylinder and disrupt the process of regular vortex shedding. The use of these vortex-breaking devices, however, can increase the magnitude of the exciting force on the structure.